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Barefoot in The Summer – Essential Oils for Your Feet

Have you ever thought about your feet as an important part of your body? Most of us don’t think twice about our feet being an integral part of our overall health. What many people don’t realize is that the feet are the pipeline to the body for essential oils and reflexology. Reflexology is applying pressure to certain parts of the feet, which then in turn targets specific areas of the body to promote a restorative effect on overall well-being. Although reflexology is not used to cure diseases, it can be used to support and aid whichever healthcare treatment you use.If we wantto feel our best, then we need to care for and nourish our feet!And we all know that our feet seem to be on display during the spring and summer months, so paying attention to how we present our toes can make a positive impact on our both our aesthetic comfort and our overall health.

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