5 Easy Ways to Support Your Thyroid

Your thyroid gland may be small, but it has a major impact on your body. Every human cell has receptors for thyroid hormones, so making sure this little gland is healthy is vital to feeling your best. I want to share with you some easy ways that I have used to help with my own fight with Hashimoto’s to heal my body and relieve my unpleasant symptoms. If you are dealing with any of the hosts of symptoms associated with thyroid problems, here are some starting points to help you take control of your own well-being!

#1 – Thyroid Support Rollerball Blend

You know that I love using essential oils in my daily self-care routine to help support my body’s systems! Giving my thyroid some love is as easy as rolling on this amazing synergistic blend. I designed it to specifically target the thyroid to help stimulate and boost its function while simultaneously supporting the body in reducing inflammation.

Thyroid Support Rollerbball Blend

6-8 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Frankincense essential oil
5 drops Clove essential oil
5 drops Lemongrass essential oil
5 drops Myrrh essential oil
5 drops of Peppermint
Carrier oil of choice

Add oils to a 10-ml glass rollerball bottle and top off with a carrier oil of your choice. Replace top, cap, and swirl to combine. To use, apply daily directly to your thyroid.

#2 – Detox Bath Soak

The toxins that your body accumulates on a daily basis can seriously impact your thyroid. You would be surprised how easy it is to come into contact with toxic chemicals on a daily basis.

Have you looked at your personal care product ingredient labels recently? Or how about cleaning products?

That’s right — those things that you use to keep yourself “healthy” could be contributing to your toxic load. That doesn’t even begin to cover all the environmental toxins we encounter just from living in communities with other people. The build-up of this toxic load could be slowing your thyroid down and causing a host of possible hypothyroid symptoms.,

One of my favorite ways to rid my body of built-up toxins is a detox bath as a part of my self-care routine.  Not only is it calming and rejuvenating, but the minerals and oils included in the bath are super helpful in supporting your body’s ability to filter out these toxins.

Always be sure to hydrate before and after your bath to help filter out the chemicals, and keep your soak to 20 minutes to keep your body from reabsorbing anything that has leached out into the bathwater. I always recommend rinsing off after a detox soak to make sure nothing toxic remains on your skin.

Detox & Relax Bath Soak

1/2 cup sea salt
1/2 cup Epsom salt or magnesium flakes
1/4 cup baking soda
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
2 drops Rosemary essential oil
5 drops Grapefruit essential oil
5 drops Frankincense essential oil

Fill the bathtub with hot water. Mix together the sea salt, Epsom salt, baking soda and apple cider vinegar in a small glass bowl before adding to the bath water. Swirl with your hand to mix and dissolve. Blend the essential oils together in the glass bowl before adding them to the bath water, swirling to combine. Breathe deeply and soak no longer than 20 minutes. Rinse off the remaining salt on your body in the shower and moisturize well.

#3 – Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Staying hydrated will impact every cell in your body. This is one of the easiest things you can do to give your thyroid a boost on a daily basis. Allowing yourself to become even mildly dehydrated can alter the concentration of thyroid hormones in your body. It will also show your liver some love if you keep that filtration process pumping, especially with the support of Lemon Essential Oil or by jazzing up your water intake with some of my amazing Water Infusions!

#4 – Take Time for Self-Care

If your days look anything like mine, it can be hard to find “me time” to recharge and calm your mind. But there is no mistaking the evidence: stress has a direct impact on your thyroid’s function. Check out my blog on Why Self-Care Is the Key to Your Success and my Top 10 Self-Care Rituals for Today’s Woman to find ways to get started!

Self-Care is healthcare. And it isn’t selfish. Even if you have to schedule it into your day, it is worth every second. Your body will thank you for it!

#5 – Cut the Inflammatory Foods

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism have been found to be connected with inflammation and the stress it places on your body. Cleaning up your diet and cutting out foods that cause inflammation can really help your thyroid function at its best.

If you start with anything, start by eliminating gluten. The gliadin molecule of gluten very closely resembles the body’s thyroid molecule, and if your body is already mounting an attack by producing thyroid antibodies, any gluten is going to add fuel to the fire. Don’t even let your body have the chance to scale up its attack– get out the gluten for at least 4 weeks and see how it makes you feel!

Some other inflammatory foods include unhealthy fats (margarine and vegetable oils, for example), refined carbs, processed meats, and sugary foods. I needed to cut these out of my diet after my Hashimoto’s diagnosis to help my body start to heal.

There are some great foods that can help heal your gut and reduce the inflammation in your body. I love leafy greens, veggies, nuts, fish, and fruits to help me feel like I can take control over my body’s responses again. Green smoothies are a great way to beef up your intake of superfoods and leafy greens, and are super easy to boost with essential oils as well. Check out this blog for some amazing smoothie ideas!


Improve your energy and overall well being by supplying your thyroid exactly what it needs in this all-in-one supplement!

Essentially Whole® Thyroid Support is designed to help regulate your body’s stress response and blood sugar levels (two things that greatly impact your thyroid), while also promoting the thyroid gland’s health and your body’s ability to convert thyroid hormones into their active forms.

Get Thyroid Support here today! >>

Learn My Top 5 Oils for Creating Hormonal Synergy:


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8 Responses to 5 Easy Ways to Support Your Thyroid

  1. Ann Stanonis-Manes January 10, 2020 at 8:45 am #

    the recipes are fantastic Thank you so much

    • Mariza January 15, 2020 at 8:44 am #

      Glad you loved them, Ann! A lot of great content are on the way so stay tuned to my page <3

  2. Sofia February 24, 2020 at 10:57 am #

    Is the detox bath recommended for pregnant women?

    • Dr. Mariza February 27, 2020 at 9:10 am #

      Hi Sofia! Great question! The program is very safe for breastfeeding and pregnancy. You will have plenty of options and nutrient-dense food all day long! I totally took pregnancy into special consideration. 😉

      Over the last year, since we have shared the Hormone Trifecta and launched the 14-Day Hormone Detox, over 2000 women, including several who were pregnant, have successfully completed the full 14-Day and experienced incredible results in their energy, sleep, focus, skin, mood and metabolism.

      Many women love the food, recipes, community and results that they decided to continue the program for an extra month. We can’t wait to welcome you with open arms into the detox community!


  3. Vicki May 12, 2020 at 7:53 pm #

    Do you add the vinegar in with the oils for the detox bath, it’s not mentioned in the directions.

    • Dr. Mariza May 14, 2020 at 8:56 am #

      You have a good eye, Vicki! 🙂 Thanks for asking. We’ve updated the blog and you should add the vinegar with the salt and baking soda. Thank you!

  4. Caitlin August 18, 2022 at 6:23 pm #

    How often do you soak? Weekly? Just when you feel sluggish?

    • Mariza August 25, 2022 at 6:37 am #

      Hi Caitlin! Typically once a week is recommended, whenever you’re feeling sluggish is also great!

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