Cinnamon Bark Essential Oil Uses and Benefits

When summer fades away, and autumn ushers in vibrant leaves and the reprieve of cool, crisp weather, there’s nothing cozier than the aroma of cinnamon spice wafting through your home. From cinnamon-scented pinecones to the scent of homemade apple cider with fresh cinnamon sticks gently simmering on the stove, the homey and comforting fragrance from this spice brings a feeling of comfort as the holidays approach. Cinnamon Bark essential oil is the perfect choice during the fall and winter months not only because of its scent profile, but also because of its amazing power to keep you healthy year-round, especially when germs are at their peak.  From cooking to immune support, Cinnamon Bark is an all-around must-have in your oil cabinet.


Cinnamon Bark essential oil is extracted from tropical Cinnamon trees which belong to the evergreen family. These trees produce bark, leaves, and flowers that are exceedingly aromatic, though the most high-quality essential oil is distilled from the bark.Ancient civilizations considered Cinnamon to be extremely valuable and even a worthy gift to be offered to royalty. Today, Cinnamon is more commonplace, found in most of our spice cabinets, but the benefits from its high-quality essential oiloffer us more far-reaching internal and external benefits.


Perfect for adding a warm glow to your seasonal recipes?  Nothing beats Cinnamon Bark in the fall and winter months!  From homemade breads and desserts to teas and apple cider, Cinnamon Bark essential oil will spice up your favorite treats with one drop than teaspoons of its herbal counterpart.  Even adding 1 drop to your batter will amp up the flavor profile much more than the dried version.  Remember always to taste before you add more, since the potency of essential oils 50-70% more than herbs.  Taste and tweak!

I recently discovered the most amazing recipe for homemade Chai tea using high-quality essential oils and can’t wait to share it with you!


1 ½ c. water
1 ½ c. almond milk
2-4 Chai tea bags (use 2 for lighter chai flavor, 4 for a heavier chai flavor)
Black pepper (just a few sprinkles) or a toothpick swirl of Black Pepper essential oil
2 thin slices freshly peeled ginger,
2 whole green cardamom pods, smashed
1 drop Cinnamon Bark essential oil
1 drop Ginger essential oil
1 drop Cardamom essential oil
1 Tbs. 100% pure maple syrup
Raw organic honey (optional)

Bring a small pot of water and milk just to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer. Drip essential oils directly on the tea bags.  Immediately add them to the water, as well as the black pepper, ginger slices, ground cardamom pods, and maple syrup.  Allow to simmer for about 5 minutes. Turn off heat and remove tea bags. Allow to cool a bit before serving. Place a small strainer over each mug to strain out excess spices, cardamom and ginger as you pour the chai tea to serve.Serve with raw coconut sugar and raw honey to taste.


Combined with a healthy lifestyle of whole foods, plenty of exercise, adequate sleep, and reduced stress, Cinnamon Bark essential oil is a wonderful way to keep your immune system and metabolism functioning at their best.  During the colder months when seasonal threats peaks, try adding Cinnamon to your favorite immunity blend and roll it right on the bottoms of your feet daily. You can also take it internally in a veggie cap under the supervision of a trusted healthcare provider.


10 mL glass rollerball bottle
6 drops Lemon essential oil
6 drops Melaleuca essential oil
4 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
4 drops Clove essential oil
4 drops Cinnamon essential oil
4 drops Frankincense essential oil
Carrier oil of choice

Add essential oils to glass rollerball bottle and fill with a carrier oil to the top.  Shake well to combine.


#1 – DIY Mouthwash

Mix 1 to 2 drops of Cinnamon Bark EO with a couple ounces of water in glass cup Cinnamon promotes healthy teeth as well as overall oral health.

#2 – Throat Discomfort Buster

Tip your head back and gargle with 1-2 drops Cinnamon EO in 1 Tbsp. of water, or add 1-2 drops of Cinnamon Bark EO to your favorite herbal tea bag and make tea as usual. It is a great way to naturally soothe and relieve your throat discomfort while supporting your immune system in the process.  Note:  Cinnamon may numb the throat or skin.

#3 – Homemade Cleaning Booster

Combine water and 2-3 drops of Cinnamon Bark EO in a glass spray bottle and spray on hard surfaces.  Wipe dry to clean and help fight germs without harsh chemicals.  Add a drop or two of Lemon EO to cut grease and grime.

#4 – Mood Uplifter

Simply add to your favorite diffuser and allow it to uplift your mood naturally.  Add some citrus essential oils for even more amazing scents and mood-boosting power!  A great way to keep yourself energized on long car trips is to diffuse Cinnamon EO with Citrus on a wooden clothespin or cotton ball attached to your car’s air vents.

#5 – Warming Massage

Create a natural warming sensation by massaging a drop or two of Cinnamon EO with your favorite carrier oil into your aching body.  This is a great way to loosen stiff joints or muscles any time of year.


Please be advised that Cinnamon Bark essential can cause skin sensitivity if used without a carrier oil.  Always dilute with fractionated coconut oil or your favorite carrier oil and do a patch test first. Never apply Cinnamon EO near the eyes, inside of ears, or any delicate places on your body. If you’re currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or receiving care from your physician for any reason, please be sure to consult with your trusted healthcare provider prior to use.

Ready to get your hands on some amazing Cinnamon Bark EO?  Click here for information on ordering your own.

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