Tag Archives | cortisol

Rev Up Libido

Revamping Sexy Time – Boosting Your Libido

Libido. This word has quite the stigma attached to it. If you’re reading this blog I’m guessing you had one of two reactions to the title line. Are you person A who’s thinking “I’m totally embarrassed to be reading this. I hope no one is looking over my shoulder”? Or are you person B who’s thinking, “Yes!! Finally some help! I totally need to read this”? Either way you can rest assured that you are in good company, and there is no judgement here.

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Are My Hormones Making Me Fat?

Many women who are actively pursuing weight loss come up against road blocks which cause them to get frustrated and discouraged. Often they are doing everything right: eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and sleeping well. But still, some women can’t seem to shed those pounds—or even ounces!

In these cases, it’s important to take a look at what else is going on in a woman’s body that is related to weight loss but not quite as obvious as healthy living habits. One of the first places to go is hormones.

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How Hormonal Balance Can Change Your Life

When I say hormones, what do you think?

Many people often associate negative emotions with the idea of them; hormones are extremely important regulatory substances that aid the cells and tissues to keep our bodies working effectively. Hormones are manufactured in the various glands to stimulate the actions of bodily functions such as hunger, reproduction, emotions, energy and mood. Most people only think about sex hormones when they consider hormones, but there are many other types of hormones which are critical to the body’s ability to remain healthy.

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