Tag Archives | focus

How Hormone Imbalance Can Lead to Brain Fog F

How Hormone Imbalance Can Lead to Brain Fog

Hormone imbalance can leave your brain inflamed and lacking in some of the chemicals it needs to thrive, which can make you feel fatigued, foggy, anxious, and unable to focus. While conventional medicine may tell you that you need medical therapies or that you are going to have to live with how you are feeling, I am here to empower you to take control of your health and hormones to get you back to yourself.

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Top 3 Ways to Support Your Liver and Restore Hormone Balance in Pre-Menopause-F

Top 3 Ways to Support Your Liver and Restore Hormone Balance

When it comes to your hormones, your liver is the most important (and often overlooked) place to start. Especially for women as you approach 40 and beyond, protecting and supporting your liver is a critical piece to ensure you make the transition to menopause with ease and grace. When your liver fails to do this effectively, the most common result is estrogen dominance.

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