Tag Archives | healthy


How to Navigate Travel Without Gaining Weight

While most people claim to love to travel, it can actually be a stressful time for many of us.  From airplane anxiety to lack of sleep, scheduling issues to keeping your exercise and diet routines in check, stress levels can boost and send our digestive tract into a tailspin.  Keeping those essential oils handy for stress-inducing situations should be your first line of defense against the trials of travel, but enjoying your adventures while leaving time for self-care also must be a priority.  Easier said than done, right?

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Top 10 Self-care Rituals for Today’s Woman

We women take the weight of the world on our shoulders, offering love, compassion, and understanding to those around us.  And we lose sight of ourselves in the process.  It’s time to recenter and rebalance our lives with self-care rituals.  Only you can make the decision to put yourself first and help your body and mind to heal themselves.  Aim to make the biggest personal impact first without beating yourself up.  You deserve to turn some of the love and compassion that you offer to others around and nurture yourself!  

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