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#621: The Truth About Metabolic Health, Hormones and GLP-1s with Tyna Moore

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It’s time to expose the truth about GLP-1s like Ozempic…

And what you may not know is how many benefits and potential applications they have specifically for middle-aged women. 

GLP-1 expert Dr. Tyna Moore joins the podcast again to debunk the myths and misconceptions around the class of peptides known as GLP-1 agonists. 

Did you know GLP-1 agonists can: 

Reduce inflammation,

Support brain function,

Treat Alzheimer’s, dementia, and various autoimmune disorders,

Enhance metabolic health, 

AND of course combat weight gain? 

With the right dosage strategies and lifestyle adjustments, Dr. Tyna explains how GLP-1s can optimize your health and give you countless long-term health benefits. 

Check out the episode ASAP to achieve the best results with GLP-1s, and start to look and feel your best!

Dr. Tyna Moore

With nearly three decades of experience as a medical professional, Dr. Tyna Moore is a leading expert in holistic regenerative medicine and resilient metabolic health. She’s traditionally and alternatively trained in science and medicine as both a Naturopathic Physician and Chiropractor, bringing a unique perspective to building better foundations in health. Dr. Tyna hosts a podcast– The Dr. Tyna Show and is an author and speaker advocating for health autonomy.


  • GLP-1s’ role in managing chronic pain and inflammation
  • Advantages of using GLP-1s in midlife & beyond 
  • Treatments with low-dose GLP-1s and bioidentical HRT
  • Avoiding the one-size-fits-all approach to medicine & care 
  • How GLP-1s help overall metabolic health, not just weight loss 
  • Dosing strategies for hormone replacement therapies  
  • Lifestyle adjustments for optimal metabolic & hormonal health 


“A low, appropriate dose of a GLP-1 agonist along with bioidentical hormone replacement is so critical for every middle-aged woman to consider.”

“They start the GLP one and they’re like, ‘all my anxiety just went away and all my depression lifted. And I can think again and I feel like myself.’” 

“This is a window of opportunity that we can use while they’re on the GLP 1 and then you gently titrate them down… and people are having success with prolonged weight loss, continuing to lose weight or maintaining the weight when they come off of it with a good titration protocol.”


Dr. Tyna’s Website

Dr. Tyna’s FREE Training: Ozempic Uncovered

Dr. Tyna’s Instagram

The Dr. Tyna Show Podcast


#558: The Science Behind Ozempic and Important Facts About Glp-1 Agonists + Hormone Replacement for Women 40+ With Dr. Tyna Moore

#550: Metabolic And Hormone Secrets To Staying Hot, Happy and Thriving After 40 And Beyond with Dr. Tyna Moore

#605: Breaking The Hrt Confusion: The Truth Behind Hormone Replacement Therapy for Perimenopausal Women with Karen Martel

#618: Bringing Awareness to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Early Menopause, Hrt and Metabolic Changes with Jessica Jones

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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#620: What You Need to Know About Premature Menopause, Perimenopause, HRT and Your Options with Dr. Salome Masghati

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Unfortunately, today’s world is filled with misinformation about hormone replacement therapies (HRTs). 

And often, our primary care docs don’t have the expert knowledge to explore menopause symptoms, hormone testing, and HRT options with their patients.

That’s why Dr. Masghati joins me today, to dive deep into tons of research-backed hormone replacement therapies to aid you in smoother perimenopause and menopause transitions. 

Because we all deserve to feel our best today, and every day from here on out. 

Tired of getting your symptoms brushed off by your doctor?

Or done with bandaid solutions that aren’t a long-term fix? 

Check out this podcast for all you need to know about navigating perimenopause and menopause symptoms with the right HRT options for you! 

Salome Masghati, MD, FACOG

Dr. Salome Masghati is a gynecologist with specialized training in minimally invasive surgery.  After dealing with multiple symptoms and hormonal imbalances, she reclaimed her health and shifted her practice to a holistic, root-cause approach to care. Inspired by her experience, she now helps women address underlying hormonal issues to achieve optimal health and improved quality of life.


  • Navigating early menopause & menopause 
  • Hormones & effective Hormone Replacement Therapies 
  • Hormone testing & staying on top of your levels 
  • Debunking myths around HRTs 
  • Hormone testing in early perimenopause 
  • Dosing hormone replacement based on your symptoms 
  • Hormonal changes and risks for chronic diseases 


“With the hormones, get them checked no matter what age you are, then you have a baseline. When you start feeling symptomatic, it’s a matter of understanding what range you’re at at your baseline” 

“Whatever changes are happening, there are things going on with your hormones… don’t wait until hot flashes to look [into HRT].” 

“When the receptors recognize it, it will have the similar function in your body, which is why we’re doing it to begin with. We’re not trying to just cover symptoms to cover them up.” 


Dr. Masghati’s Instagram

Dr. Masghati’s Website

Book a Consultation with Dr. Masghati HERE   


#618: Bringing Awareness to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Early Menopause, Hrt and Metabolic Changes with Jessica Jones

579: Hormone Replacement Options and Hormone Testing for Women in Midlife + Self Advocacy for Optimal Health with Esther Blum

#572: How To Know You Are in Perimenopause Including The 40+ Symptoms Associated with Declining Hormones

#558: The Science Behind Ozempic and Important Facts About Glp-1 Agonists + Hormone Replacement for Women 40+ With Dr. Tyna Moore

Get My Top 14 Hormone-Balancing Recipes!

Filling your body with the right fuels has an incredible impact on your hormones and energy. Download my free guide to the best hormone-balancing recipes here! Download Dr. Mariza’s Hormone Recipes Here

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#619: The Impact of Alcohol on Women’s Health, From Hormones to Cancer

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You’ve heard of Dry January. Or Sober October.

But how ‘bout we normalize breaks from drinking year-round? 

Trust me, I’ve enjoyed plenty of wine tastings, craft cocktails, and memories with friends over a bottle of champagne. 

But as you know, alcohol consumption catches up with you. 

Especially as we age into midlife and beyond. 

Think: fertility impacts, hormone changes, and risks for chronic diseases. And as women, we’re much more vulnerable to alcohol’s negative effects than men. 

Ready to ease up on the drinking, but worried about societal judgment or that you’ll miss your glass of wine after a long day? 

Check out this podcast for my tips on how you can make giving up drinking easy, healthy, and even enjoyable! 


  • How my life significantly improved after an alcohol detox
  • Health risks from alcohol consumption
  • Impacts alcohol has on women’s bodies specifically 
  • Wind-down alternatives to alcohol 
  • Finding supportive social circles to help detox from alcohol 


“There are days that are so stressful– I get it. And you just want to wind down. But what I’ve learned as someone who’s basically broken up with alcohol for good is that there are so many other ways to do it.”

“There is no safe amount of alcohol that your brain and body can tolerate. Alcohol is a poison and a neurotoxin and it significantly disrupts our hormones.”

“88,000 people die from alcohol-related problems, half from binge drinking. Even more concerning, 10% of us have alcohol use disorder.”


Mocktail & Drink Guide 


#504: I Decided Not to Drink Alcohol This Year, And Here’s Why

#548: The Loaded Truth Behind Mom Wine Culture and the False Need to Wine Down with Celeste Yvonne to Drink or Not to Drink? What Alcohol Does to Our Hormones as We Get Older

To Drink or Not to Drink? What Alcohol Does to Our Hormones as We Get Older

Free Download: Dr. Mariza’s Top 11 Supplements for Hormone Health

Ready to take charge of your own health? Grab this free guide to get you started!

Grab Dr. Mariza’s Top 11 Supplements for Hormone Balance!

Ready to take charge of your own health? Grab this free guide to get you started!

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#618: Bringing Awareness to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Early Menopause, HRT and Metabolic Changes with Jessica Jones

Listen to the Episode Here

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We’re all on the hunt for the best ways to manage our menopause symptoms in midlife. 

But what really works to move the needle and feel a difference?

Registered dietitian Jessica Jones joins the podcast today to emphasize how small lifestyle adjustments can make all the difference in how you feel each day and for the long term. Plus, we dive into the benefits of hormone replacement therapy, and why it may be a solution for you. 

After struggling with perimenopausal symptoms and being diagnosed with primary ovarian insufficiency, Jessica has used her experience and background in women’s health and nutrition to help others prevent and manage conditions like prediabetes, diabetes, and menopause with a holistic approach. 

So, if you’re a midlife woman, you WON’T want to miss all the details in this episode, because just a few small changes can turn into the best upgrade for you. Check it out here! 

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones is a nationally recognized Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Diabetes Care Educator with over a decade of experience. She’s used her own experience battling menopausal symptoms at 37 years old to help thousands of women improve their lives through metabolic changes and hormone replacement therapy. 


  • How Jessica significantly improved her menopause symptoms 
  • Labs & markers for optimal hormone health
  • The importance of individualized women’s healthcare 
  • Best nutrition guidelines for your metabolism in midlife
  • Strength training, exercise, and gentle movement tips 
  • How a few small lifestyle changes can make a big impact 
  • Awareness and early intervention of health conditions  


“I feel like almost two years later, I finally am starting to feel on a good path. The hot flashes went away almost within a month or two. I’m feeling myself again.” 

“Whatever journey we’re all in, whether it’s premenopause and HRT, early menopause and HRT, or even post-menopause, it’s not just about symptom management. It’s about functional management.” 

“Everything I mentioned to you is stuff I can do forever because it doesn’t feel like that big of a lift for me… it’s [about] finding those things for you that make a big impact” 


Check out Diabetes Digital HERE 

Diabetes Digital Podcast

Diabetes Digital Instagram

Get 2 free months with Dr. Mariza’s favorite CGM (continuous glucose monitor)


579: Hormone Replacement Options and Hormone Testing for Women in Midlife + Self Advocacy for Optimal Health with Esther Blum

#605: Breaking The Hrt Confusion: The Truth Behind Hormone Replacement Therapy for Perimenopausal Women with Karen Martel

596: Why It Takes More Than Bioidentical Hormones to Fix Your Hormones with Dr. Anna Cabeca

592: Menopause, Hrt, And Breast Cancer + How to Advocate for Yourself with Dr Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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#617: The Number One Longevity Hack Everyone Should Be Doing

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One simple habit can stabilize your blood sugar, boost your energy, and transform your metabolism… in just MINUTES each day. 

The best part? You ALREADY know exactly how to do it!

This one habit has been a game-changer for me over the past few years, and it couldn’t be easier to adopt and stay consistent with. 

Check out this podcast to learn my favorite lifestyle hack and discover how easy it is to boost your metabolism, enhance longevity, sleep better, feel lighter, and show up as your best self every day.  


  • Exactly HOW to add this game-changing habit into your day 
  • All about my FREE 14-Day Walking Challenge & giveaways 
  • How to time your exercise around meals for optimal results
  • The top 5 benefits you’ll notice from daily walking 
  • Tips on accountability and how to stick to a new habit 
  • How YOUR life can improve with this one simple daily habit! 


“Postprandial exercise lowers your glycemic index, blunts a blood sugar response, reduces insulin resistance, improves your digestion, promotes better sleep, and boosts your blood flow.”

“One 45-minute workout… isn’t going to be as great as if you do 5 to 10- minute walks multiple times throughout the day.”

“Whether you’re taking a casual walk or a brisk walk after each meal, know you’re releasing those feel-good hormones like serotonin and dopamine… to promote good sleep, help regulate appetite, improve learning and memory, and increase positive feelings.”


Join the FREE  14-Day Walking Challenge HERE and access:  

  • Easy-to-follow movement instructions
  • My Belly Slim Down Recipe Guide
  • 5 Hacks to Blunt a Blood Sugar Spike Cheat Sheet
  • Printable Challenge Habit & Points Tracker
  • PLUS recipe guides, cheat sheets, and supplement giveaways!


#340: Why Going on a Walk After Dinner Is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Health

#609: Non-Negotiable Advice I Would Give My Early Perimenopausal Self

#456: The One Habit I Do Every Day That Transformed My Negative Mindset for Good

Get My Sexy Low-Sugar Holiday Drink Guide!

Whether you’re celebrating with friends or getting cozy by a fire, having a festive (and delicious) beverage in-hand just makes the experience more enjoyable. Check out these delicious, sexy beverage options—that won’t wreck
your blood sugar! Download Dr. Mariza’s Holiday Drink Guide Here

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