Why I Use dōTERRA Essential Oils

doterra essential


Before I begin, let me preface this blog with a few caveats.

First, it is no secret that my family and I prefer dōTERRA essential oils.  I do not conceal that I offer my readers a chance to build their own EO education in my community.  I’m not hiding the fact that I DO own a business that provides an opportunity to become a Wellness Advocate with dōTERRA.  I hate secrets.  My loyal readers know that I am always offering up-front, in-your-face, sometimes-too-honest information for my readers.  That’s who I am.

Second, my primary goal is to EMPOWER and EDUCATE.  Bottom line.  I wouldn’t go into such depth writing blogs, articles, and books, doing interviews, creating webinars and courses, and consulting with patients and people on a daily basis if I didn’t.  Take a look inside my blog on this website – you’re not going to find pushy blogs encouraging you to drop everything and sign up with dōTERRA.  You’re not going to find harsh critiques of other companies or people who don’t agree with me.  You won’t see negativity unless where it concerns things detrimental to the health and wellness of others.  My ultimate goal is to empower, uplift, educate, and help you reclaim your health and wellness.  YOU are the BOSS of your own HEALTHCARE.  And YOU are the BOSS of your beautiful, deserving LIFE.

Third, there ARE other oil companies out who strive for quality and offer decent products.  Yep.  I said it.  THERE ARE!  Some companies have years of experience to dōTERRA’s youth and offer oils that aren’t available elsewhere.  Some companies go out of their way to grow and distill high-quality products.  Some companies value quality over quantity and care about how their product affects their customers.  But I still prefer the integrity, quality, and humanity that dōTERRA offers over any other company on the market today.  If I didn’t, I wouldn’t still be with them.

Finally, my friends, community and harmony mean the world to me.  I’m not here to point fingers or accuse.  I’m not here to create a harem of hate against other essential oil companies.  I’m not here to form a brick wall of unacceptance and intolerance of views different than my own.  But I am here to share my WHY.  And my WHY is a piece of me.  dōTERRA Essential Oils truly helped me to overcome the maladies of my genetic issues and health crisis.  With my biochemistry background, I’ve done the research, asked the questions, and tested them myself…on myself…before recommending them completely to my patients.


dōTERRA Essential Oils is a young company.  They have only been in the game since 2008.  But in those short not-even 9 years, dōTERRA has become the top-selling essential oil company in the world, garnering many awards and recognitions, including most recently 2016 International Company of the Year and no. 10 on the Forbes’ America’s Best Employers’ List, in addition to supporting humanitarian aid programs in Nepal and other countries through partnerships with world organizations and its own Healing Hands Foundation.  They have grown in leaps and bounds since their beginnings and continue to have a global impact on health and wellness.

Focusing on quality over all else, dōTERRA’s board of scientists, doctors, and executives go to painstaking efforts to ensure that each oil or blend compromises the utmost quality before it is released to the general market.  This doesn’t mean that they tout the largest collection of essential oils on the market today.  Because they don’t.  It DOES mean that they offer the highest quality and most pure selection available through any one company.

And it takes time.  A lot of time.  Exponential efforts compounded upon ground-breaking science coupled with their dedication to their consumers…  It is no easy task to decide to offer a new oil or try to synergistically combine them to form a new blend.  Their dedication is to their community of followers, so they are always listening, always asking, always watching, and ALWAYS RESPONDING to the needs of their Wellness Advocates and users.

As you may have found if you’ve been googling or heard if you’ve been exploring other EO companies, dōTERRA’s beginnings have roots in another oil company.  Though there is a lot of he-said, she-said concerning this simple fact, I’m not going to indulge any rumors.  That’s not what I do, and it’s not what dōTERRA does.  What I can say is that sometimes great things come from a group of like-minded individuals who see the world differently than others.  Sometimes this means that they want to do things a bit differently and can only accomplish this by forging a new path.  Sometimes this means that they have to leave a partnership in favor of innovation.

Were feelings hurt?  Probably.

Were rumors started?  Definitely.

Will we ever know the truth about what really happened?  Not likely.

We do, however, know the truth of what dōTERRA is by the integrity of their leaders, the quality of their product, and their support of their community.

That is what they live by.

That is what they offer to the world.

And that is what I will be sharing with you in this post.  The basics of why, as an expert in the field of biochemistry, chiropractic medicine, essential oils, hormones, and women’s health, dōTERRA is STILL the brand that I trust to use on myself, my family, and my patients.





As a company, dōTERRA began with a foundation of integrity.  Top businessmen and women joined the team to help formulate and grow the business model that would eventually make dōTERRA the top-selling oil company in the business today without sacrificing the honesty and integrity from which they began.  World-renowned doctors who harnessed the healing power of essential oils joined after realizing that changes could be made to the quality, the education, and the practices used in utilizing essential oils in healthcare.  Finally, the best essential oil scientists also came aboard to develop a systematic and complex way to test the oils to ensure that only the highest quality of essential oils reached the public.  Devoted to empowering the world through essential oil usage, they have been working ever since to source only the best quality plants harvested at the optimal times and distilled in the best way for its needs




Quality always comes first for dōTERRA, and, as a result, they focus on producing the highest quality essential oils in a small number until they are able to branch out to the next thing.  They aren’t mass producing for quick profits.  They truly care about the quality of their product and the people who are involved with its production.  Do they have as many oils and blends as their competitors?  Nope, they don’t.  But they also haven’t been in business as long either.  This time has been spent on ensuring only the highest quality essential oil receives the dōTERRA label.  And that’s fine with me.  dōTERRA, you take your time and give me only the best for my family!

Each oil is carefully researched before they even begin to consider manufacturing it.  They consider sourcing, harvesting, growing conditions, availability of farmers in indigenous regions, the possibility for sourcing partnerships in these countries, manufacturing conditions, the needs of the community in which the farms exist, the science behind the constituents in the oils, the best species for the plants, proper extraction methods, optimal distillation methods, and yes…the list goes on and on.  I’m not even scratching the surface of the care that they take before beginning to consider releasing each individual oil or blend.

Here are some amazing videos to learn about the specific way that dōTERRA harvests and sources its products:

Harvesting of Lemongrass

Sourcing dōTERRA Vetiver with Co-Impact Sourcing Practices


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So, why are their oils so expensive?  All the oils at my favorite superstore cost the same!  First of all, if all of the oils cost the same amount, that is a HUGE red flag.  Each oil has a different way that it needs to be distilled or pressed, a different part of the plant that needs to be utilized to procure the essential oils, and a different quantity of that material.  So, while it takes about 3 pounds of Lavender flowers to produce a 15 mL bottle of Lavender essential oil, it takes more than 10,000 pounds of rose petals to produce just 1 pound of rose essential oil – that’s the same as 105 pounds of rose petals for only 5 mL of essential oil.  Now weigh in the cost, growing time, harvesting techniques, and specialized distillation required for these two different flowers and you can see why Rose EO is more expensive than Lavender.  In fact, if you find an inexpensive Rose EO, chances are it is either adulterated with synthetics or they are using some Geranium essential oil in its place since, Rose and Geranium both contain the primary constituent of geraniol.




The name “dōTERRA” is a Latin derivative meaning “Gift of the Earth” – precisely how this company sees their work.  Essential oils are a gift from the earth, and they have worked tirelessly to bring this gift to the world.  Are they making a profit doing it?  Of course they are.  Is that the most important thing to them?  Definitely not.  They care about the farmers and harvesters involved, the communities affected, the processes required for optimum quality and purity, and, most of all, their consumers who receive this gift.

To achieve the highest quality, it is imperative that certain standards be met.  We ensure that the proper species for the highest quality of oil and the strongest constituents are selected.  Then, we make sure that the optimum growing conditions exist in the right climate and right soil quality to support this species.  Most often, this means going to the indigenous region where these plants are grown.  While we can’t boast ownership of our farms, we instead prefer to create partnerships with the local farmers who have been working the land, who know the species and plants involved, and who are often eager to learn and in need of some humanitarian aid in order to support and sustain their income and quality of life.  You will read more about this Co-Impact Sourcing in a bit.  This also means that, instead of your Lavender EO coming from a farm in Pennsylvania, it comes from a partnership with a farm in its natural growing climate of France.  It is so important to ask where your EO company sources its essential oils!

In addition, proper harvesting times also exist for the plants, meaning that sometimes plants need to stay in the ground longer than the farmers are previously used to.  Co-Impact Sourcing allows us to set up a monthly payment plan to ensure that these farmers are sustained and supported financially year round, rather than seasonally in spurts when harvest season is high.  We work to make sure that the optimum conditions and harvesting practices are taking place in conjunction with educating and assisting our local growers and harvesters.  I can’t even begin to stress how important this practice is to producing the highest quality of essential oils!

And people ask about organic.  Why aren’t these oils labelled as organic?  Well, because different quality standards exist for organic oils all around the world.  DōTERRA grows, harvests, and distills its essential oils in over 40 countries worldwide, but there is no global standard for organic labelling.  What we can promise is that our oils are essentially more than organic.  This is why we had to register our own trademark for our essential oils – Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade – so that everyone knows exactly what they are getting with our product.  Naysayers may argue that we just “made this up” – they’re right.  We did.  Because there is a NEED in this industry for quality standards and we needed to set a precedent for the standards required for the highest quality product.  There is very little regulation on essential oils in the United States or other countries, so we had to forge ahead and set our own standards.  Does this make dōTERRA seem elitist?  Sure…but I would rather know what is going on behind-the-scenes in my EO company than buy some questionable bottle with no statement of quality to support its contents.




In an industry with minimal regulations and no worldwide standard of any sort, dōTERRA took the reins and established its own superior quality control in order to ensure its consumers that they were always receiving the highest quality and purest essential oils available.  Does this make them suspect?  Hardly.  They came up with their own name for their standard of oil because no other name or standard existed.  They patented this name because it was unique to dōTERRA alone.  And they continue to produce and certify their essential oils by these impeccably high standard because there simply isn’t any other measurement that meets the standards that dōTERRA set for itself.  I admire them for taking this leap in the industry and setting the bar high.

So, just what does dōTERRA require of their essential oils?  Their essentials oils must be:

  • Pure and natural, with aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants
  • Free from fillers or artificial ingredients
  • Free of dilution of active qualities
  • Free of contaminants, pesticides, or chemical residues
  • Subject to rigorous tests for standards of chemical composition
  • Cross-tested using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography to ensure exact purity and composition potency
  • Sourced by a global network of leading essential oil chemists and growers to ensure correct species growth in ideal environments, and that raw plant materials were carefully harvested at the right time
  • Subjected to 7 different tests, including 3rd-party testing
For the basics of CPTG®, watch this video:

To learn about dōTERRA’s 3-tiered Testing Process, check out this video:


Want to Find out Which Oils Will Benefit You?

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It’s true that distillation requires careful technique by specialists who truly understand the plants involved and the entire process.  In addition, there are several different types of distillation that can be utilized depending on the method that will extract the purest essential oil.  It is most definitely a science that requires careful consideration of a variety of components, as well as staying up to date with modern technologies and techniques while garnering years of experience in the industry.  In addition, it is also an art and requires a particular touch, if you will, to truly procure the optimum product.

This is why doTERRA works with a Global Botanical Network to obtain only the best products grown the right way and harvested at the precise time to enable us to procure only the purest, highest quality essential oil for you.  They work with growers and distillers across the world – in more than 40 countries!  Not only that, they truly value the knowledge and expertise of local growers and farmers.  They prefer to work with people who understand the art of growing, those with years of experience, sometimes generation upon generation of family growers, and are willing to take the time to recruit the expertise.  This has made doTERRA the world’s largest purchaser of essential oils in the world – it’s not important to them to own the farms, but to work honestly with, empower and educate, and establish partnerships with the people behind the scenes.  The people who are at the heart of the growing and the harvesting.  This is what they refer to as Co-Impact Sourcing.




More than half of the countries where doTERRA sources their oils can be considered developing countries.  As a result, they began to notice that ethical treatment and partnerships with farmers and harvesters were a necessary component of their process.  They began to develop relationships with these partners, while positively impacting their communities by providing basic amenities like clean water and food and promoting education.  Co-Impact Sourcing allows for long-term supplier partnerships that create sustainable jobs and steady income at fair prices for the people and communities involved.  They also encourage the local farmers to establish cooperative groups with one another to achieve collective benefits and bargaining power.

For a quick overview of Co-Impact Sourcing, watch this video:  
For a more detailed description of how Co-Impact Sourcing truly benefits everyone involved, check out this video:  




This may seem like a fluffy side bit to the dōTERRA story, but the Healing Hands Foundation truly touches my heart.  This charitable organization continues to fund and provide resources to projects that truly impact the communities where oils are sourced or where people need aid.  A few of the projects that they have assisted with include building and sponsoring medical clinics, working with communities to install clean water systems, and providing educational training for all ages.  Even more important, in times of dire need or extreme crisis due to natural disasters, the Healing Hands Foundation springs into action to aid and support those people affected.  Its overall mission is “bringing healing and hope to the world, for lives free of disease and poverty, and is ultimately to empowering impoverished communities with the tools needed to become self-reliant.”  This philanthropic effort is supported by the Wellness Advocates who educate and support dōTERRA throughout the world.




Though many people turn their nose up at multi-level marketing (MLM) business models, this system truly works for doTERRA’s desire to empower and educate.  It allows its Wellness Advocates to work directly with their customers in personal relationships that establish trust.  It also allows for proper training and education in essential oils and safety precautions when using them.  Currently, there are over 2 million Wellness Advocates around the world, many of whom have achieved financial independence as a result of doTERRA’s success.

In addition, doTERRA’s Wellness Advocates receive training about the essential oils and the business model, and are encouraged to continue their education through doTERRA’s online university, conventions, conferences, educational seminars, and workshops across the world.  It also enables me to have this blog and continue to educate all of you about essential oils and how they support my areas of expertise.


When push comes to shove, the most important thing is knowing that you have the purest and highest quality essential oils that are safe for use on your family.  After that, it’s up to you to decide what you value in your EO companies and what truly matters to you.  Most people just want the best product on the market and don’t care about a lot of the rest, but others truly care deeply about the background of the companies, including their beginnings, the integrity of their leaders, the honesty with which they approach their business on all levels, and how they work with their partners and their workers.  I fall into the latter group, because I want to only associate myself and my personal integrity with a company and product that I support fully.  And, for me, that is dōTERRA.  I’ve done the research, I’ve used and experienced the amazing benefit of these high-quality products, I have personally met and worked with the high-level leaders and executives of the company, and I truly believe in what this company stands for.

What do you think? Are you convinced yet? If you want to set up a personal wellness consultation to discuss your health needs and which essential oils I recommend, click here:


Schedule Your Free Essential Oil Consultation
If you are ready to get your own doTERRA wholesale account, you can sign up directly here:

Get Your Own doTERRA Wholesale Account

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