How to Step into Your Future Epic Health, Wealth, and Happiness

How would you like to radically transform your health (and life) this New Year? And literally step into your future epic health, wealth, and happiness?

I’m looping you into one of my most powerful life hacks, one that I’ve kept mostly a secret until now—but behind the scenes, it has been THE reason I’ve been able to overcome health challenges and reach countless career goals. 

And trust me… this relatively simple process is what has enabled me to be here writing this to you today. 

No joke. 

I went from just a nobody– a misunderstood girl struggling with my own setbacks (and told I’d never succeed at anything)… 

To the woman I am today– a successful doctor, wife, mother, and national best-selling author. 

If you’ve ever doubted yourself in any way or felt totally stuck… 

Whether it’s been your health, your finances, your relationships, or your career… 

I’m here to share my story and show you how easy it can be to turn your doubts into a vision and literally step into your future epic health. 

Like most women… 

I’ve had my fair share of health challenges, going way back to when I first started having migraines at the age of 7. From then on, my health complications snowballed, especially in my 20s and 30s. 

If you’ve ever been in my shoes– struggling with ailments, health conditions, or unwanted symptoms–  I’m sure you know the feeling of wanting a solution FAST.

I was always seeking a new protocol or a miracle pill for my health issues that I could implement right away. 

And I’m telling you… I’ve tried it all. 

But there was always a missing piece. 

Because even when I’d do exactly what the doctor said, I just wasn’t getting the results I was looking for.  

Here’s what happens to so many of us: 

We start with good intentions, but we’re not crystal clear on where we’re trying to go, who we’re trying to be, and how we want to feel on the other side. 

Today, I want to share with you how setting clear intentions and creating a vision of your future epic health can help you reach these wins faster than you ever thought possible. 

The Road to Success Isn’t Always Easy 

We’ve all had our fair share of struggles—especially health struggles.  

And sometimes in the lowest of lows, we have no clue how to look ahead and often don’t even believe we’ll ever get better.

But– your mind is a superpower that, when you tap into it, can bring you unlimited success in all areas of your life—and EVEN heal your body from head to toe. 

You may have battled health issues. 

Or struggled to get out of a toxic relationship.

You may have found yourself searching for financial freedom (aren’t we all!) 

Or pushing to meet your career goals. 

So what’s the secret? 

The process of envisioning my future self as if it is already my current reality has been the key and helped me overcome situations just like this time and again. 

In fact, It has helped me in every aspect of my life. 

Here’s one example…

Back in 2009, I signed my first book deal when I was just getting into nutrition. 

I already had my doctorate and years of experience. 

But I had no following. No visibility.  I was told that no one would take an interest in what I had to say. 

So I started with a vision of WHERE and WHO I wanted to be. Then I went out and I made it happen because every part of my being KNEW exactly what I was working towards. 

It came naturally and almost without effort. 

I signed my first book deal as the result of being in the right place at the right time. And from then on… I IMAGINED MYSELF being a national best-selling author. 

I pictured it. I dreamt it. I wrote it down EVERY SINGLE DAY and I felt all the feels.  

And although my first book only sold a few thousand copies… I didn’t give up. My next book sold 50,000 copies without one dollar spent on promotion. And I knew this was because I was holding my vision ALL ALONG.

Every day, I kept my goal of being a national bestselling author clear in my vision. 

I wrote another book, and another until I ultimately released my 7th book– the EO Menopause Solution… which, guess what!?

Became a National Best Seller!

Now I’m working towards being a NY Times bestselling author. 

I know that picturing this dream, writing it down day after day, and ushering it into my life was what brought me to this goal and WILL carry me across the next finish line

And I KNOW this can work for you, too!

Whether it’s your career, life goals, or the future epic health you’ve been dreaming of… 

I’m telling you—this process WORKS! 

How I’ve Pictured My Future Epic Health and Self 

Still not convinced that my healthy vision protocol can work? 

Here’s another way I’ve used it to create a clear picture of my future epic healthy self. 

I’ve overcome some massive health challenges– autoimmune issues, a Hashimoto’s diagnosis, adrenal burnout, brain injuries, and severe chronic fatigue. 

I’ve faced adversity and battled my fair share of major health setbacks.

But even in moments when I felt like all the odds were stacked against me time and again, I was able to come out on top because of my mindset.

So how was I able to succeed each time to feel amazing in my body again?

It was only when I’d sit down and get crystal clear on exactly what it looked like to be on the other side that I started getting the results I wanted. 

I imagined my future self already thriving. 

I was just taking steps to get to her

Before anything can be created, it first has to be created in our minds. 

If we want to create beautiful, vibrant health, we first need to imagine what that feels like. My vision protocol has been my north star and compass for my entire adult life. 

It’s helped me create my holistic wellness and supplement business and guided me in growing my incredible family. 

And most recently, it helped me recover from a life-altering double-concussion and subsequent post-concussion syndrome when I thought I might never be able to use my brain normally again…

Keep reading to learn exactly how I made this happen. 

Using Setbacks as A Chance to Visualize Your Future Epic Health 

This summer, I suffered two consecutive concussions that ultimately led to a traumatic brain injury or TBI. 

I was then diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome and had to learn how to navigate the lasting and unwanted symptoms—including being totally unable to think, read, write, or show up for my career or family. 

I was so scared. 

I couldn’t drive a car. 

I couldn’t take a shower. 

I couldn’t get my son up in the morning to get him ready for preschool. 

All of the sudden, I couldn’t do day-to-day tasks for almost a whole month.

I felt like each passing moment created even more chaos in my life. As the CEO of my company and the person who primarily runs the household, I was so irritated and angry at how little I could do.  

I felt like I was failing left and right because I just couldn’t contribute.  

Then… the migraines started. 

Ultimately, I had 12 days of consecutive migraines that progressively got worse until I finally went to the ER to figure out what was going on in my brain.   

After that, my husband had to drive me to my appointments. 

I was in brain treatments. 

I was on an anti-inflammatory protocol and a concussion protocol.

I felt like the majority of my every day was dedicated to just healing my brain. 

And let me tell you– there were days when I just wanted to give up. 

It all felt like too much work. And I was worried that this was the end of my good health, and the end of all that I’ve worked so hard for up to this point.

But after about a week or so, I gained enough cognitive function to start to think about what it would look like to be on the other side of all this. 

And I told myself… “This CAN’T be the end of my health journey.” 

There had to be a way back to feeling like myself again. 

So, I asked myself: 

“What would it look like to have a brain that was in perfect health again?” 

“What does my day-to-day life look like when I’m living in that epic health?” 

I pictured myself energized, high-functioning, and firing all cylinders. 

I sat down and I got crystal clear on who I was going to be once I healed… 

I am Mariza– functional, vibrant, and high energy.

I can answer any question, and pull any memory out of my brain.

I have amazing word recall, and I’m presenting in front of people again. 

Instead of worrying about what I thought I might never be able to do again, I got really clear and wrote out exactly what I would be capable of doing again. 

And I envisioned this healed, healthy, and improved version of myself. 

The Power of Holding a Vision

I held the vision of myself as a woman doing life again with ease.  

And with each day that passed, although I had more healing to do, I could SEE my future epic self… she was beaming– and she was KILLING it! 

I can’t tell you how much gratitude I have for taking the time to get clear on how I would look and feel on the other side of this brain injury.

And, with this mindset, I was able to fully recover in just 6 months using my vision protocol! Despite what the doctors had told me or the voice inside my head kept reminding me about. 

Trust me… it’s not always an easy experience.

Visualizing and manifesting your future self can even feel silly at first. And you’ll have moments where you need to lean on something greater.

But with consistency and drive, you can succeed in becoming the ideal version of YOU. Any ideal version. There are NO limits. 

I’ve always been an advocate for doing vision work—but holy smokes did this experience anchor me and completely shift my life out of a serious health crisis more than I ever thought possible.

I overcame what I thought was a life-altering health complication. 

And I’ve come out even better than I imagined.

So I KNOW you can, too! 

It’s Never Too Late To Cultivate Your Future Epic Health

When embarking on a new vision quest, the other question I love to ask is: 

In what ways does my healthy body bring me joy? 

Tap into your epic health and how your body looks and feels when you’re at your ideal health. 

What are you doing? 

How are you moving through the day? 

What are you able to do in this body that brings you the most joy? 

It opens the door for even more possibilities.

I want to remind you how many times I’ve heard someone say they feel so much better in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s than they did in their 20s and 30s.

And I can attest to that!

I’m currently in my mid-40s. But I remember my early to mid-30s were a hot mess. 

I was still figuring out so much, and I didn’t really have clarity about how I wanted my body to feel. 

But once I spent the time envisioning my future epic health, I was able to take steps to become the version of the woman I was dreaming of.

It’s just a reminder for you that you get to create this vision of yourself and step into how you want to feel– at any age!

So picture yourself vibrant, in perfect health– that glowing and energized future healthy self. 

Ready to Create YOUR Future Epic Health? 

If you’re feeling stuck, or feel like you just can’t move the needle on your health and wellness goals, this type of vision work is exactly what you need to start creating change. 

I know it might seem out of left field… envisioning this ultimate healthy version of yourself. 

How can just picturing my healthy self actually get me to my goals? 

I know… I’ve heard your doubts and reservations. 

But this WORKS. Attracting the health, body, and life you want IS possible, , whether you believe it or not!

You already have the power inside of you to start new and create the life of your dreams. And I know you can do it because I’ve done it myself many times over. 

Creating the life you desire simply comes from building a crystal-clear version of your future self and your future epic health.

So take a moment and create YOUR vision. 

Envision this future epic health:  

What’s your energy like?

How are you feeling when you’re this healthy person?

What are you doing in your day-to-day as your healthiest self? 

CULTIVATE the feelings!

Picture your reflection in the mirror, your activity, and your energy levels.

Imagine yourself thriving, living, loving, running, and even climbing that mountain… whatever it is that you’ve always dreamt of your body being able to do.  

When you feel the energy of your future self, you can take the steps needed to move you towards your goals. 

See yourself literally stepping into your positive health outcomes. You’re walking the walk and talking the talk.

Take this time to set the intention of who you want to be.

And don’t let it slip your mind! Every day, come back to this vision of your future epic health. 

There’s no better way to kick off this year. 

Join Me to Envision and Build Your Future Epic Health! 

My healthy vision protocol has been the cornerstone of me reaching my goals. 

It’s the blueprint I’ve used– and evolved upon– my entire life to go from a “nobody” to the successful doctor and author I am today. 

And now, I’m eager to show you exactly what I’ve done behind the scenes to get me here. 

I’ve been working hard on a ~BRAND NEW PROGRAM~ that’s unlike anything else I’ve ever created. And I can’t wait for you to join me in being a part of my very first course on envisioning your future epic health. 

Join my Step into Your Future Epic Health course here >>>

This program is a must if you’re tired of the same-old and really ready to transform your health and life. It comes with step-by-step instructions around the exact blueprint I’ve used to create my dream life. 

Plus, I’ve made it EXTREMELY AFFORDABLE to get into as many women’s hands as possible—because I believe in it that much. 

You Can Achieve Anything with this Course 

The best part about this course is, it doesn’t take a ton of time, energy, or crazy restrictions to get the job done. 

It’s all about healing your MIND, and how creating a positive mindset around your health is the best way to lead you to your goals. 

So if you’ve been trying for years to get stronger, rid your body of symptoms, fight a disease, or just feel better in your body– but nothing works… THIS is the reset you need to create a more loving relationship with your mind and body. 

At the end of you doing this beautiful work with me, my hope is that you’ll have a crystal clear vision of how you want to feel when you’re feeling vibrant, energized, and full of incredible health.

And together, this year, we’re going to watch it happen in REAL TIME.

I honestly can’t wait to show you what I mean. 


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One Response to How to Step into Your Future Epic Health, Wealth, and Happiness

  1. Valerie January 2, 2025 at 8:20 am #

    Thank you for sharing your testimony of positive mindset and healing of your mind and body. Mindset and intention are powerful tools, perfect for a new year! Blessings 💞

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