Tag Archives | self care


#614: Thoughtful Reflection Questions to Set the Stage for Your Best Year with Dr. Mariza

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What do you do when a year shakes you to your core?

When it throws curveball after curveball, leaving you questioning what’s truly important in this life?

That was 2024 for me—

A year of healing, hard lessons, and clarity I didn’t know I needed.

As I sit down to record this episode, I’m reflecting on the challenges and breakthroughs that shaped my year—

And how I’m using those lessons to step boldly into 2025.

Now, I want to help you do the same.

In this week’s special solo episode, I’m sharing 12 thoughtful questions that have been non-negotiable for me as I prepare for the New Year.

These questions are your guide to:

  • Reflecting on the past year
  • Celebrating your wins
  • Letting go of what no longer serves you
  • Setting authentic intentions for the year ahead

Trust me, the juice is worth the squeeze.

Whether you’re seeking more clarity, craving a fresh start, or simply trying to process the whirlwind of emotions from the past year…

Tune in and let’s get started TODAY.


  • Why reflecting on your year is essential to moving forward with intention.
  • My personal journey through 2024—a year of clarity, healing, and transformation.
  • The value of celebrating wins, embracing lessons, and prioritizing what truly matters.
  • How to create rituals that make reflection and intention-setting meaningful.
  • 12 powerful questions to align your energy and goals for 2025.
    • What were your biggest wins & greatest lesson in 2024?
    • What did you try that didn’t work out, but the process of trying it moved your thinking forward in a helpful way?
    • What simple pleasures have you especially enjoyed this year?
    • What brought you awe and joy?
    • What was one of the biggest pleasant surprises you experienced during 2024?
    • What was a new habit or routine you created this year that has improved your efficiency at home or at work?
    • What did you face head on this year rather than avoiding, such as dealing with credit card debt or a difficult conversation?
    • What do you want to experience more of in 2025 that you did in 2024?
    • What’s one personal goal you’d like to see progress next year?
    • What’s something that you’re working on that you would love to continue working on?
    • What’s one professional or business goal you’d like to see move forward next year as well?
    • What’s one thing you want to clean up or let go of in 2025?


“Reflection is where the magic happens—it’s how we take the lessons from our experiences and align them with the life we want to create.” – Dr. Mariza Snyder

“You can’t move forward if you don’t know where you’ve been. Take a moment to pause, reflect, and decide what you truly want for the year ahead.” – Dr. Mariza Snyder

“Midlife gives us permission to get clear on what’s a hell yes and what’s a hell no—and those boundaries are where the magic begins.” – Dr. Mariza Snyder


Follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration, women’s health tips, and behind-the-scenes insights.

Shop my supplements to support your goals for the new year with my curated collection of supplements designed to boost energy, balance hormones, and support your metabolism. 

Download my FREE Top 11 Supplements for Hormone Balance Guide


#608: Ancient Wisdom in Our Modern World to Heal Your Body and Mind with Mona Sharma

595: How to Master Your Metabolism and Reverse Cellular Aging in Midlife + My Best Tips to Thrive with Dr. Mariza

#486: What actually gets in the way of completing goals and How Can We Make True Lasting Behavioral Change? With Dr. Sasha Heinz

#532: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Self-Doubt By Unapologetically Embracing Your Fully Awesome Self with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

Get My Morning Self-Care Guide!

You are the CEO of your life, so every choice you make should support who you are. If you are ready to get started, I have created the perfect Self-Care Wellness Ritual Guide with my favorite tips! Download Dr. Mariza’s Self-Care Guide Here

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#612: That Sucked. Now What? How to Navigate Health, Identity, and Life Transitions with Dr. Neeta Nawalkha

Listen to the Episode Here

Or, listen on your favorite app: iTunes (Apple Podcasts) | Stitcher | Spotify | Google PodcastsPocketcasts


Life has a way of throwing us curveballs—like unexpected health struggles, career changes, or personal challenges. 

And if you let them, they can leave you feeling incredibly isolated, uncertain, or emotionally drained. 

But I’m here to remind you: 

Curveballs can also be the catalyst for reinvention.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by the fierce Dr. Neeta Nawalkha., who is an acclaimed author and founder of The Brave Table.

Together, we’ll help you embrace life’s toughest transitions with radical self-acceptance and resilience.

As someone who has faced countless challenges herself, Dr. Neeta shares how moments of adversity can unlock new levels of identity, strength, and connection…

As long as we’re willing to lean in!

Whether you’re navigating midlife, personal relationships, or redefining your identity—this conversation will empower you to turn life’s “Now What?” moments into your next chapter.

Tune in now to take the first step toward your boldest, most authentic self.


  • Rebuild your life after unexpected challenges by reframing setbacks as opportunities for growth.
  • Find your authentic self by embracing change, even when it feels overwhelming or uncertain.
  • Cultivate a supportive “soul support posse” by intentionally building deep, meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.
  • Break free from societal expectations and reclaim your voice by setting clear personal boundaries and honoring your truth.
  • Use small, intentional practices to fuel resilience every day, from mindful self-care rituals to embracing new experiences with curiosity.


  • “By embracing the suck, you unlock your most authentic self—your next evolution starts when you say, ‘Now what?’” – Dr. Neeta Nawalkha
  • “When life shakes you to your core, it’s an invitation to rebuild with intention and greater purpose.” – Dr. Neeta Nawalkha
  • “Resilience isn’t about never breaking—it’s about learning how to rise stronger after each fall.” – Dr. Neeta Nawalkha
  • “Stop waiting for the invitation—create your own soul support posse and build the community you crave.” – Dr. Neeta Nawalkha
  • “You can’t pour into others unless you first pour into yourself. Your daily rituals can be your most sacred form of self-care.” – Dr. Neeta Nawalkha


  • Connect with Dr. Neeta Nawalkha at neetabhushan.com
  • Listen to The Brave Table Podcast: The Brave Table
  • Grab Dr. Neeta’s FREE guides: Soul Support Posse Guide + 12-Month Chai Self-Care Guide (details in the episode!) 


#532: How to Overcome Perfectionism and Self-Doubt By Unapologetically Embracing Your Fully Awesome Self with Kristina Mand-Lakhiani

#538: How to Set Your Soul Free in Order to Usher in the Most Beautiful and Authentic Life with Shirin Etessam

#518: How to Let Go of Stress Symptoms and Go from Surviving to Thriving with Dr. Izabella Wentz

#523: Change Your Life Today By Adopting A Simple Mindset and Love Hacks with Kerry Tepedino

FREE DOWNLOAD: Dr. Mariza’s Top 11 Supplements for Hormone Health

Ready to take charge of your own health?

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#609: Non-Negotiable Advice I Would Give My Early Perimenopausal Self

Listen to the Episode Here

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No matter how many times we hear it..

When our hormones begin to shift, it can still feel like no one prepared you for what’s coming. 

I’ll never forget the moment I realized I was officially in perimenopause: 

At 44, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread, bouts of rage I couldn’t explain, and the exhaustion of crawling through mud just to get through the day. 

As someone who has supported thousands of women through midlife transitions, I knew exactly what was happening—and yet, I wasn’t prepared for how destabilizing it would feel.

That’s why in this week’s solo episode, I’m sharing the advice I wish I could have given my younger self—practical tools and insights to help you thrive in this transformative season.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Recognize the subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs of early perimenopause.
  • Reclaim the belief that you deserve to feel good—and how to make it happen.
  • Build rituals that bring more joy, energy, and presence into your daily life.
  • Set fierce boundaries and let go of what no longer serves you.
  • Use this window of opportunity to lay the foundation for your healthspan and longevity.

It’s time to leave the fog behind and start creating a midlife you love. 

Tune in now for all the answers you need to get there! 


  • The first signs of perimenopause you may not expect. Why cycle changes aren’t the only clue and how to identify the early shifts.
  • Why “you deserve to feel good” should become your daily mantra. Simple ways to punctuate your day with joy and nourishment.
  • The power of walking in nature. How this one habit boosts mood, stabilizes blood sugar, and sets the foundation for longevity.
  • The art of letting go. How fierce boundaries and releasing unnecessary obligations can radically reduce midlife overwhelm.
  • Reclaiming presence and mindfulness. Practical strategies to embrace the magic in the mundane and reconnect with happiness.
  • Why this phase is a window of opportunity. Steps to optimize your body, mindset, and habits for the healthiest second half of life.


  • You deserve to feel good. It’s such a simple affirmation, but sometimes it feels almost too good to be true. Yet, it’s a beautiful reminder to punctuate your day with things that nourish you—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.”
  • Movement is life. The more we move our bodies throughout the day, the more we win the game of life—especially during perimenopause, a window of opportunity to support our muscles, metabolism, and overall health.”
  • Let go of the people, projects, and obligations that no longer serve you. This isn’t just freeing—it’s essential. Fierce boundaries are the name of the game in this season of life.”
  • Be fully present with the people and projects you love. It’s is the best way to play full out. Living in the magic of the moment creates a richer, more meaningful life.”


Follow Dr. Mariza on Instagram @drmariza — Be sure to check out the hilarious perimenopause memes! 

Subscribe to Dr. Mariza’s YouTube channel — Featuring all-new bonus content, life-saving hormone tips, and so much more.


#600: We Need to Address Why Women Don’t Feel Like Themselves Anymore in Perimenopause with Dr. Mariza

#589: Effective Strategies and Tools to Calm Irritation, Mood Swings and Stress Deregulation Throughout Perimenopause

#586: What You Can Do in Perimenopause to Optimize Your Energy, Resilience and Brain Power with Dr. Mariza

#572: How to Know You are in Perimenopause Including the 40+ Symptoms Associated with Declining Hormones

Get My Morning Self-Care Guide!

You are the CEO of your life, so every choice you make should support who you are. If you are ready to get started, I have created the perfect Self-Care Wellness Ritual Guide with my favorite tips! Download Dr. Mariza’s Self-Care Guide Here

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#608: Ancient Wisdom in Our Modern World to Heal Your Body and Mind with Mona Sharma

Listen to the Episode Here

Or, listen on your favorite app: iTunes (Apple Podcasts) | Stitcher | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Pocketcasts


What happens when you combine ancient Ayurvedic wisdom with cutting-edge science? 

You unlock healing modalities you never knew existed.

You learn how to regulate your emotions with ease.

And you discover the real path to energy and joy.

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Mona Sharma—a renowned celebrity nutritionist, wellness entrepreneur, and mindfulness expert—who shares her journey from corporate burnout to vibrant, ageless living.

Mona opens up about how stress, anxiety, and health challenges pushed her to rediscover her roots—spending months at an ashram, embracing mindfulness, and creating rituals that now form the foundation of her wellness philosophy.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Harness the power of heart coherence
  • Tune into your body’s cues and honor its needs
  • Slow down, get quiet, and reconnect with true happiness
  • Bring ancient ashram wisdom into your busy, modern life
  • And so much more!

If you’re ready to stop running on autopilot, let go of perfectionism, and create a longevity plan as unique as your thumbprint…

Grab a pen, a notebook, and tune in now!


  • The role of mindfulness practices like meditation, breathwork, and nature walks in healing both the body and mind.
  • How heart coherence improves emotional regulation, gut health, and hormone balance.
  • Why personal growth can sometimes trap us in stress, and how to break free by embracing the power of now.
  • The surprising connection between childhood emotions and adult health—and how to rewrite your body’s narrative.
  • Simple yet transformative rituals that can help you tune into your body’s needs and optimize your health.


When you tune into heart coherence, you align your mind, body, and spirit—and open the door to true healing.”

Your health is a reflection of your vibration. If you’re living in stress, fear, or worry, your body will respond in kind.”

You can’t checklist your way to wellness. Real healing happens when you tune into your body’s wisdom and create space for joy and balance.”

“The purpose of life is joy. If we prioritize happiness over productivity, everything changes—including our health.”

Your healing blueprint should be as unique as your thumbprint. It’s time to embrace a personalized approach to health.”


Mona’s Podcast: Rooted in Wellness – Explore ancient rituals and modern science for holistic healing.

Dr. Mariza’s Ultimate Morning Self-Care Guide


#563: How to Use Breathwork Daily to Ease Stress, Anxiety and Trauma with Samantha Skelly

598: Break the Cycle of Burnout, Anxiety, and Fear by Tapping into Heart Coherence with Kimberly Snyder

#602: The Right and Wrong Way to Lose Weight + Overcoming Panic Attacks by Feeling Safe in Your Body with Michelle Shapiro

Get My Morning Self-Care Guide!

You are the CEO of your life, so every choice you make should support who you are. If you are ready to get started, I have created the perfect Self-Care Wellness Ritual Guide with my favorite tips! Download Dr. Mariza’s Self-Care Guide Here

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#602: The Right and Wrong Way to Lose Weight + Overcoming Panic Attacks by Feeling Safe in Your Body with Michelle Shapiro

Listen to the Episode Here

Or, listen on your favorite app: iTunes (Apple Podcasts) | Stitcher | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Pocketcasts


Have you ever felt like the pressure to look a certain way is pushing you to extremes—leaving you more anxious, depleted, and unsafe in your own body? 

And what if most of that pressure is actually coming from within?

The truth is:

The harder you push, the harder it gets. 

Take it from Dr. Michelle Shapiro, a renowned anxiety expert and dietitian whose incredible health transformation started with drastic weight loss that ultimately spiraled into severe health issues like hypothyroidism, panic attacks, and nutrient deficiencies.

In today’s podcast, Michelle gets real about the right and wrong ways to lose weight.

She reveals WHY her body rebelled against the pressure to change—and how she ultimately found healing  through targeted nutrition, rebuilding her stress response, and learning to quiet the internal voices fueling her anxiety.

Together, we dig into the often-overlooked internal battles that keep us stuck in hypervigilance and self-doubt. 

And why it’s SO crucial to listen to these signals.

Tune in to discover practical tools for rebalancing your body, setting boundaries, and learning how to truly nurture yourself in moments of chaos. 


  • How drastic weight loss can backfire, causing nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and panic attacks
  • Why many women feel trapped in a constant state of hypervigilance, always waiting for the next crisis to hit
  • How to identify and address the internal voices that fuel anxiety, using strategies from internal family systems therapy
  • Practical strategies for resetting your body’s stress response, so you no longer feel like you’re stuck in fight-or-flight mode
  • Why setting clear boundaries and reclaiming your time and energy are crucial for managing anxiety
  • How to stop chasing symptoms and start healing the root causes of panic attacks and chronic stress
  • The importance of working with practitioners who help you feel seen, heard, and safe


“Weight loss is often seen as the ultimate goal for health, but if it’s done wrong, it can wreak havoc on your body—leading to hormone imbalances, panic attacks, and more.”

“Feeling like your body is in constant overdrive, like you’re stuck in fight-or-flight, is your body’s way of telling you it doesn’t feel safe.”

“Panic attacks aren’t just in your head. They’re your body’s alarm system, and unless you address the root causes—like nutrient depletion or chronic stress—they’ll keep coming.”

“Setting boundaries and reclaiming your energy is the ultimate act of self-care. You can’t be everything to everyone without losing yourself.”


Connect with Michelle Shapiro

The Highly Sensitive Body Hub – a resource for those struggling with chronic health issues like histamine intolerance, POTS, and hypermobility

LAST CHANCE! Save your FREE seat for my upcoming Thriving in Perimenopause & Menopause Summit


598: Break the Cycle of Burnout, Anxiety, and Fear by Tapping into Heart Coherence with Kimberly Snyder

#563: How to Use Breathwork Daily to Ease Stress, Anxiety and Trauma with Samantha Skelly

#581: Five of the Worst Types of Food for Metabolic Health, Insulin Sensitivity, and Stubborn Visceral Belly Fat with Dr. Mariza

#490: Why We Crave the Foods We Crave and What We Can Finally Do About It with Dr. Amy Shah

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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