Tag Archives | estrogen


#154: How to Optimize Liver Function to Balance Your Hormones

When was the last time you thought about giving your liver a little TLC? The liver is one of the largest and most powerful organs in the body, and it determines everything from your hormones to your energy levels. During this time of year, it can be easy to overload your liver with a little too many holiday festivities, so it is important to know how to show your liver some love when you need too.

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The Connection Between Declining Hormones and Depression

Depression is one of those not-so-pleasant symptoms of hormonal fluctuations that we don’t like to talk about.  Everyone is always telling us to think positive and look on the bright side. We’re worried that no one wants to hear how we really feel, so we put on our happy face and hide the fact that we’ve been struggling for some time now with feeling depressed, fatigued, overwhelmed, and we’ve lost interest in life.  You may be asking yourself, “How did I get here? Why do I feel so bad?” If you’re between the ages of 35-50 (or somewhere in that neighborhood) then your hormones are most likely to blame. Your reproductive hormones are fluctuating, and ultimately beginning to or finishing their decline to menopause. It can be a difficult time.  But it doesn’t have to be.

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Do You Have Adrenal Fatigue or Perimenopause?

If you’re reading this blog, chances are that you can relate to at least one of these three conditions: PMS, Menopause, and Adrenal Fatigue. Yeah, I know hormone blogs are a dime a dozen these days.  So what? Maybe you’ve come to accept that the symptoms you have are just a fact of life and that you just have to live with them. Or hopefully, like me, you’re someone who needs to understand why you feel this way, and you’re going to read everything you can possibly find on the subject until you have a light bulb moment and finally understand how your body works!  Aha! Maybe this will be the blog that will help you connect some dots. Then, only when we can understand how these hormones work, we can find solutions to the conditions that trouble us.

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Are My Hormones Making Me Fat?

Many women who are actively pursuing weight loss come up against road blocks which cause them to get frustrated and discouraged. Often they are doing everything right: eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and sleeping well. But still, some women can’t seem to shed those pounds—or even ounces!

In these cases, it’s important to take a look at what else is going on in a woman’s body that is related to weight loss but not quite as obvious as healthy living habits. One of the first places to go is hormones.

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