Tag Archives | functional medicine


#324: How Doctors Convince Women That Their Symptoms Aren’t Real and How We Continue to Misdiagnosis with Elinor Cleghorn

Throughout history, women have been subjected to gaslighting when it comes to their pain and symptoms through claims of hysteria and frameworks of racism and misogyny. This belief is still prevalent in the medical system today and is why so many women go undiagnosed or dismissed for so long. However, by analyzing history and becoming our own advocates, we can shift the culture and the paradigm of how women are treated in the medical system in the US and worldwide.

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#71: Why Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition Matter To You with Andrea Nakayama

After a personal eye-opening tragedy in the traditional medical space, Andrea Nakayama saw a lack of respect and humanity in the field and decided to leave her highly established career to pursue a passion for practicing and teaching functional medicine and nutrition. Since then, Andrea and her team at FxNutrition have changed tens of thousands of peoples lives by providing functional solutions for patients and practitioners to help them heal their health ailments and take back their bodies.

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#32: Boost Your Energy, Crush Your Cravings, and Calm Inflammation with the Ketotarian Diet with Dr. Will Cole

You have probably been hearing lots about the ketogenic diet, a revolutionary way of thinking about how we fuel our bodies that has been in the middle of some controversy lately, especially when it comes to women’s hormone health. Dr. Will Cole is here to set the record straight about this traditional diet and explain his new approach to keto, designed to support women while decreasing systemic inflammation.

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