Tag Archives | menopause


#620: What You Need to Know About Premature Menopause, Perimenopause, HRT and Your Options with Dr. Salome Masghati

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Unfortunately, today’s world is filled with misinformation about hormone replacement therapies (HRTs). 

And often, our primary care docs don’t have the expert knowledge to explore menopause symptoms, hormone testing, and HRT options with their patients.

That’s why Dr. Masghati joins me today, to dive deep into tons of research-backed hormone replacement therapies to aid you in smoother perimenopause and menopause transitions. 

Because we all deserve to feel our best today, and every day from here on out. 

Tired of getting your symptoms brushed off by your doctor?

Or done with bandaid solutions that aren’t a long-term fix? 

Check out this podcast for all you need to know about navigating perimenopause and menopause symptoms with the right HRT options for you! 

Salome Masghati, MD, FACOG

Dr. Salome Masghati is a gynecologist with specialized training in minimally invasive surgery.  After dealing with multiple symptoms and hormonal imbalances, she reclaimed her health and shifted her practice to a holistic, root-cause approach to care. Inspired by her experience, she now helps women address underlying hormonal issues to achieve optimal health and improved quality of life.


  • Navigating early menopause & menopause 
  • Hormones & effective Hormone Replacement Therapies 
  • Hormone testing & staying on top of your levels 
  • Debunking myths around HRTs 
  • Hormone testing in early perimenopause 
  • Dosing hormone replacement based on your symptoms 
  • Hormonal changes and risks for chronic diseases 


“With the hormones, get them checked no matter what age you are, then you have a baseline. When you start feeling symptomatic, it’s a matter of understanding what range you’re at at your baseline” 

“Whatever changes are happening, there are things going on with your hormones… don’t wait until hot flashes to look [into HRT].” 

“When the receptors recognize it, it will have the similar function in your body, which is why we’re doing it to begin with. We’re not trying to just cover symptoms to cover them up.” 


Dr. Masghati’s Instagram

Dr. Masghati’s Website

Book a Consultation with Dr. Masghati HERE   


#618: Bringing Awareness to Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, Early Menopause, Hrt and Metabolic Changes with Jessica Jones

579: Hormone Replacement Options and Hormone Testing for Women in Midlife + Self Advocacy for Optimal Health with Esther Blum

#572: How To Know You Are in Perimenopause Including The 40+ Symptoms Associated with Declining Hormones

#558: The Science Behind Ozempic and Important Facts About Glp-1 Agonists + Hormone Replacement for Women 40+ With Dr. Tyna Moore

Get My Top 14 Hormone-Balancing Recipes!

Filling your body with the right fuels has an incredible impact on your hormones and energy. Download my free guide to the best hormone-balancing recipes here! Download Dr. Mariza’s Hormone Recipes Here

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#613: Effective Tools for Curbing Your Appetite in Midlife and Optimizing Your Blood Sugar with Nagina Sethi Abdullah

Listen to the Episode Here

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What do you do when the body you’ve always trusted starts to feel out of control?

When weight gain creeps in despite your best efforts, and everyday tasks suddenly take more out of you than they ever have?

In today’s episode, I’m joined by weight loss expert and founder of MasalaBody.com, Nagina Abdullah, who shares her deeply relatable journey of navigating perimenopause, unexpected weight gain, and the frustration of feeling stuck.

Together, we unpack how shifting hormones can derail even the best health habits—and, more importantly, how to turn things around.

You’ll walk away with actionable insights into why midlife metabolism changes, how to fuel your body with smarter nutrition, and simple strategies to burn fat, build muscle ,and balance blood sugar

Whether it’s the hidden role of testosterone or the power of walking after meals, Nagina’s tools are refreshingly doable and life-changing.

If you’re ready to take back control and feel like yourself again…

Tune in now for a roadmap to better YOU. 


  • Why perimenopause often leads to sudden weight gain—even when you’re “doing everything right.”
  • The overlooked role of testosterone in maintaining muscle mass and metabolism in midlife.
  • How balancing blood sugar with protein-packed breakfasts and strategic meal pairings can curb cravings and stop energy crashes.
  • The benefits of walking after meals to improve insulin sensitivity and prevent fat storage.
  • How building muscle helps combat insulin resistance, supports bone health, and prevents midlife belly fat.
  • Why under-eating can sabotage your metabolism and stall weight loss—and what to do instead.


Midlife isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing smarter. The right habits can completely shift how you feel, even as your hormones change.” – Nagina Abdullah

“Muscle is the armor of longevity. It’s not about getting smaller; it’s about getting stronger.” – Dr. Mariza Snyder

“Balancing blood sugar isn’t just about what you eat—it’s about when, how, and what you pair together.” – Nagina Abdullah


Check out Nagina’s website for recipes, tips, and more: MasalaBody.com

Join Nagina’s FREE 5-Day Metabolism Boost Workshop

Dr. Mariza’s favorite, clean protein to add to morning smoothies: animal-based option, vegetarian option


588: The Metabolic Trifecta in Perimenopause and Menopause + HRT Basics and Best Practices to Thrive in Midlife with Jackie Piasta

595: How to Master Your Metabolism and Reverse Cellular Aging in Midlife + My Best Tips to Thrive with Dr. Mariza

580: Mastering Your Sleep, Metabolism and Overall, Health in Midlife with Cynthia Thurlow

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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#610: The Benefits of Spirulina and Chlorella for More Energy, Longevity, and Immunity with Catharine Arnston

Listen to the Episode Here

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There’s a secret Mother Nature has been keeping from us…

The most nutrient-dense food on the planet isn’t in your local produce aisle.

It’s algae.

For centuries, spirulina and chlorella have been fueling everything from ancient civilizations to NASA astronauts.

But their undeniable benefits are just now being recognized—especially for women who are navigating the demands of midlife and beyond.

That’s why I’m thrilled to welcome Catharine Arnston, founder and CEO of ENERGYbits®, to this week’s podcast—as we unlock the untapped potential of these two superfoods.

Catharine’s journey began with her sister’s recovery from breast cancer. It sparked a passion that led her to become a global advocate for algae—and today, she’s sharing the science, benefits, and practical tips for adding these game-changers to your daily life.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Nourish your mitochondria to fuel energy, metabolism, and longevity.
  • Detoxify heavy metals, lactic acid, and everyday toxins with ease.
  • Support your immune system and gut health with the chlorophyll powerhouse, chlorella.
  • Replace multiple supplements with one sustainable, whole-food solution.
  • Use algae to boost energy, focus, and recovery—all with zero carbs and just one calorie per tablet.

If you’re ready to effortlessly upgrade your energy, hormones, and metabolic health… 

Tune in now to discover the healing power of algae!


Spirulina is your nutritional insurance. It’s food, not a supplement, with everything your body needs to thrive.”

Your mitochondria are your body’s powerhouses—and spirulina directly supports their energy production, unlike anything else on Earth.”

Chlorella’s chlorophyll content is unmatched. It detoxifies heavy metals, pesticides, and alcohol while building blood and supporting immune health.”

The science is clear: algae is the most nutrient-dense, sustainable, and bioavailable food source on the planet. It’s not new—it’s just new to you!”

Don’t let societal expectations dictate your energy. At any age, you have the power to feel vibrant, alive, and capable of reaching new heights.”


Learn more about ENERGYbits®, explore their algae products, and enjoy 20% off with my code DRMARIZA energybits.com

Follow Catharine Arnston on Instagram: @energybits

Get 20% off your first purchase of my favorite amazing, cooling PJs with code ENERGIZED when you click here >>>


586: What You Can Do in Perimenopause to Optimize Your Energy, Resilience and Brain Power with Dr. Mariza

580: Mastering Your Sleep, Metabolism and Overall, Health in Midlife with Cynthia Thurlow

591: Post Viral Syndromes, Your Immune System, and Your Hormones in Midlife with Dr. Jessica Drummond

595: How to Master Your Metabolism and Reverse Cellular Aging in Midlife + My Best Tips to Thrive with Dr. Mariza

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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#609: Non-Negotiable Advice I Would Give My Early Perimenopausal Self

Listen to the Episode Here

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No matter how many times we hear it..

When our hormones begin to shift, it can still feel like no one prepared you for what’s coming. 

I’ll never forget the moment I realized I was officially in perimenopause: 

At 44, I felt an overwhelming sense of dread, bouts of rage I couldn’t explain, and the exhaustion of crawling through mud just to get through the day. 

As someone who has supported thousands of women through midlife transitions, I knew exactly what was happening—and yet, I wasn’t prepared for how destabilizing it would feel.

That’s why in this week’s solo episode, I’m sharing the advice I wish I could have given my younger self—practical tools and insights to help you thrive in this transformative season.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to:

  • Recognize the subtle (and not-so-subtle) signs of early perimenopause.
  • Reclaim the belief that you deserve to feel good—and how to make it happen.
  • Build rituals that bring more joy, energy, and presence into your daily life.
  • Set fierce boundaries and let go of what no longer serves you.
  • Use this window of opportunity to lay the foundation for your healthspan and longevity.

It’s time to leave the fog behind and start creating a midlife you love. 

Tune in now for all the answers you need to get there! 


  • The first signs of perimenopause you may not expect. Why cycle changes aren’t the only clue and how to identify the early shifts.
  • Why “you deserve to feel good” should become your daily mantra. Simple ways to punctuate your day with joy and nourishment.
  • The power of walking in nature. How this one habit boosts mood, stabilizes blood sugar, and sets the foundation for longevity.
  • The art of letting go. How fierce boundaries and releasing unnecessary obligations can radically reduce midlife overwhelm.
  • Reclaiming presence and mindfulness. Practical strategies to embrace the magic in the mundane and reconnect with happiness.
  • Why this phase is a window of opportunity. Steps to optimize your body, mindset, and habits for the healthiest second half of life.


  • You deserve to feel good. It’s such a simple affirmation, but sometimes it feels almost too good to be true. Yet, it’s a beautiful reminder to punctuate your day with things that nourish you—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.”
  • Movement is life. The more we move our bodies throughout the day, the more we win the game of life—especially during perimenopause, a window of opportunity to support our muscles, metabolism, and overall health.”
  • Let go of the people, projects, and obligations that no longer serve you. This isn’t just freeing—it’s essential. Fierce boundaries are the name of the game in this season of life.”
  • Be fully present with the people and projects you love. It’s is the best way to play full out. Living in the magic of the moment creates a richer, more meaningful life.”


Follow Dr. Mariza on Instagram @drmariza — Be sure to check out the hilarious perimenopause memes! 

Subscribe to Dr. Mariza’s YouTube channel — Featuring all-new bonus content, life-saving hormone tips, and so much more.


#600: We Need to Address Why Women Don’t Feel Like Themselves Anymore in Perimenopause with Dr. Mariza

#589: Effective Strategies and Tools to Calm Irritation, Mood Swings and Stress Deregulation Throughout Perimenopause

#586: What You Can Do in Perimenopause to Optimize Your Energy, Resilience and Brain Power with Dr. Mariza

#572: How to Know You are in Perimenopause Including the 40+ Symptoms Associated with Declining Hormones

Get My Morning Self-Care Guide!

You are the CEO of your life, so every choice you make should support who you are. If you are ready to get started, I have created the perfect Self-Care Wellness Ritual Guide with my favorite tips! Download Dr. Mariza’s Self-Care Guide Here

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#606: Shattering Menopause Myths Once and for All with Dr. Nicky Keay

Listen to the Episode Here

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What if menopause wasn’t the end of your best years—but the beginning of them?

I know that might feel impossible right now. 

But trust me, we’re going to get you there!

In this week’s episode, I’m joined by Dr. Nicky Keay, a renowned endocrinologist, author, and researcher

And together, we’re pulling back the curtain on menopause and hormone therapy with truths that could change everything about how you approach this stage of life.

We’re diving into the science behind HRT and busting myths that have held women back for generations. 

You’ll learn why progesterone is a game-changer for mood, sleep, and energy—and how it could be the key to feeling truly amazing through menopause and beyond.

This conversation is PACKED with expert tips and practical guidance you won’t find anywhere else. 

So, if you’re ready to finally get the full story on menopause

AND discover what it takes to reclaim your health after 50… 

Tune in now for all of that and SO much more!


  • How to decode hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to make the best choices for your health
  • Breaking down the most common myths about menopause and HRT
  • Why progesterone is critical for sleep, mood, and overall energy—and how to optimize it
  • How women can personalize HRT to fit their unique symptoms and health goals
  • Practical lifestyle changes that support hormone health through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond
  • Tips on advocating for your hormonal health, especially if your doctor isn’t HRT-savvy


Menopause isn’t just a biological milestone—it’s a whole-body shift. The truth is, your hormones don’t stop affecting you; they just change how they interact with your body.”

For so long, women have been told to ‘just deal with it.’ But that’s a huge myth. There are real options out there to make this stage of life vibrant and powerful.”

Estrogen and progesterone are not just ‘reproductive hormones.’ They affect every cell in the body, and losing them affects everything from mood to metabolism to cardiovascular health.”

We can’t ignore the connection between mood swings, energy crashes, and hormonal shifts. When you lose progesterone, it affects your brain, your mood, and even your sleep. These changes aren’t all in your head—they’re real.”


Pre-Order Dr. Nicky Keay’s NEW Book: Use code MARIZA for an exclusive discount on Dr. Nicky’s book—The Myths of Menopause.

Dr. Nicky’s Hormone Clinic—connect with Dr. Nicky for personalized hormonal support

Click here to register for my Fix Your Metabolism Masterclass

Go to zoe.com and use the code “ENERIZE10” for 10% off of your Zoe membership.
Get 10% OFF Karen’s non-prescription transdermal hormone options with promo code MARIZA


#601: The Food You Eat Will Impact Your Menopause Journey + Foods to Ease Menopause and Promote Longevity with Dr. Federica Amati

592: Menopause, HRT, and Breast Cancer + How to Advocate for Yourself with Dr Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz

588: The Metabolic Trifecta in Perimenopause and Menopause + HRT Basics and Best Practices to Thrive in Midlife with Jackie Piasta

Free Download: Easy, Practical Tips to Get More Energy!

Download the free Energy-Boosting Cheat Sheet now to learn how to unlock abundant health and energy that lasts—in only seconds every day!

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