It comes up every holiday season, at every party I attend. “What is Frankincense, anyway?”
Discover the Top Supplements and Herbs I Recommend for Optimal Hormone Balance
It comes up every holiday season, at every party I attend. “What is Frankincense, anyway?”
Right next to wild orange is my second favorite oil, peppermint essential oil. These two oils are a power combo for energy, alertness and mood boost. Why wouldn’t I carry them around in my purse?
I’ve learned that 80% of what you do on a daily basis dictates the life that you live later on. In a nut shell: Your healthy body is the culmination of daily habits compounded over time. Even small incremental changes can make all the difference in your energy and cellular vitality.
Whenever stress threatens, reach for the Wild Orange! This oil is special to me because it was the first one that I was introduced to. Its uplifting aroma will energize and refresh you, as well as simultaneously reducing your feelings of stress and tension.
Lemon oil is an essential oil that I use every single day. Lemon oil is a powerful detoxification oil that I add to my water throughout the day. I start my day by adding 1-2 drops of lemon oil along with lemon juice to 16oz of water and drink it. The benefits of this habit aids to naturally cleanse the body and support digeestive function. Although, this is my favorite way to use lemon oil daily, there are numerous benefits and ways to use this citrus oil.
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