Tag Archives | dessert


#357: How to Hack Crazy PMS-Driven Cravings and Blood Sugar Spikes Right Before Your Period

Imagine it’s right before your period, and you get a killer craving. You’re ready to eat the whole fridge and consume a ton of snacks with not-so-healthy ingredients. Does this sound familiar? We’ve all been there. We can feel powerless when those insane sugar and salt cravings arrive. But I have some hacks for you to use, so you have a plan to combat the cravings…

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Creme caramel in the pots

Pumpkin Coconut Cream Custard

There is nothing better than fresh, delicious fruit for dessert. But what about the times you’re craving something sweet and gooey, or sweet and comforting, or something simple that hits your sweet spot? Creating slow cooker dessert recipes with little to no sugar is a challenge. Here’s one amazing recipe that is all natural and will not cause a spike in blood sugar.

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Stuffed Green Apples

This is a really simple dessert to make and it’s healthier than a lot of other apple crumble recipes out there. This recipe is the perfect way to enjoy apple!

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