Tag Archives | emotional burnout

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Best Supplements to Overcome Stress & Get More Energy

Have you been stuck on the weight-loss merry-go-round, circling and circling from one diet to the next? Have you jumped on the exercise train that seems to work for everyone else, tortured yourself for weeks, and just feel more tired and angry? Is each and every day a struggle to keep yourself from falling asleep? Can you get through your day without tea, coffee, chocolate, or some other mid-afternoon pick-me-up? I have been there…

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#228: Overcome Burnout and Improve Your Mental and Emotional Resilience with Juliet Obodo

To overcome burnout, you need to focus on building your mental and emotional resilience. I’m joined by Juliet Obodo, a Master Hypnotherapist, to talk about interrupting thought patterns and loving yourself to better health. To become successful startup founders and business owners, it takes more than a 7-Step Framework. You need to make the shift subconsciously to make it EASY & EFFECTIVE.

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#202: How a Lack of Rest Leads to Energy Burnout and Decreased Productivity with Saundra Dalton-Smith

Traditional medicine tells us that if you are tired, you need more sleep. But have you ever considered the different types of rest and what your body needs to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, and live your best life? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician with over twenty years of experience, who found herself being exhausted despite getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night.

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