Tag Archives | rose essential oil


Rose Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

Are you having a stressful day?  Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are walking in a lush, beautiful garden.  Take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet and tantalizing aromas of the glorious flowers surrounding you.  What do you smell? I think one of the first floral scents people often think of is rose, and for good reason.  They come in multiple varieties and colors, many of which have a very pleasing scent. And who doesn’t love roses?  They are a well-known symbol of love and affection. What if you could have access to their lovely scent without having to buy fresh roses all the time…

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Rev Up Libido

Revamping Sexy Time – Boosting Your Libido

Libido. This word has quite the stigma attached to it. If you’re reading this blog I’m guessing you had one of two reactions to the title line. Are you person A who’s thinking “I’m totally embarrassed to be reading this. I hope no one is looking over my shoulder”? Or are you person B who’s thinking, “Yes!! Finally some help! I totally need to read this”? Either way you can rest assured that you are in good company, and there is no judgement here.

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