Tag Archives | self care


#212: The Five Good-Girl Myths with Majo Molfino

Do you find yourself following external authorities rather than your own intuition? Do you people please, sacrifice yourself for others, or stifle your voice in the interest of keeping the peace? There is a good chance that you learned these tendencies from a young age, as many women do. Majo Molfino is on a mission to help women identify the ‘5 Good Girl Myths’ so that you can stop minimizing your power and start stepping into your truth.

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#202: How a Lack of Rest Leads to Energy Burnout and Decreased Productivity with Saundra Dalton-Smith

Traditional medicine tells us that if you are tired, you need more sleep. But have you ever considered the different types of rest and what your body needs to optimize your productivity, increase your overall happiness, and live your best life? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician with over twenty years of experience, who found herself being exhausted despite getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night.

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