Tag Archives | sugar


#194: Three Simple Ways to End Emotional Eating with Tricia Nelson

Have you been struggling to avoid eating the whole house during quarantine? This is a crazy time filled with lots of stress for so many of us, which can result in emotional eating. Tricia Nelson is my go-to expert when it comes to emotional and addictive eating, and is here today to help you recognize your food triggers so that you can create boundaries when it comes to being stuck at home with your refrigerator.

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#159: Jumpstart Your Energy and Shrink Your Waist by Optimizing Your Blood Sugar with Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo

Many of you know my feelings about sugar, but did you know that there are signs and symptoms of unbalanced blood sugar that show up long before a diagnosis? Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo has been studying blood sugar and insulin resistance for over a decade and is one of the leading experts on blood sugar internationally. The best selling author, speaker and founder of the Institue of Nutritional Endocrinology, Dr. Ritamarie is here to explain why you need to end your toxic relationship with sugar.

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