If You Want to Heal Your Hormones and Lose Stubborn Weight, You Should:
- Use your fork to make diet decisions every day that help your hormones and improve metabolic flexibility
- Empower yourself with the knowledge needed to stop outsourcing your hormone health
- Embrace an adapted version of the ketogenic diet that is personalized to you and your body’s needs
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Episode Summary
When it comes to the women I work with, the number one concern as we get older tends to be that stubborn weight gain that we just can’t seem to get rid of. But have you ever considered that this weight could be directly related to your hormones and metabolic flexibility? By understanding how your hormones affect your metabolism, you can adopt a diet and lifestyle that suits you and helps you get rid of the stubborn weight gain for good.
Transform Your Health
Dr. Sara Gottfried is a board-certified physician who graduated from Harvard and MIT. She practices evidence-based integrative, precision, and functional medicine. She has authored multiple books, including the breakthrough and instant NYT bestseller Women, Food, and Hormones. She has dedicated herself to helping women unlock their ability to fix their metabolism, heal their hormones, and lose stubborn fat for good.
Adapt the Ketogenic Diet for Your Unique Body
Have you ever had a male coworker or friend experience massive success with a keto diet but have not seen those results yourself? This is because men and women have a different genetic makeup that can lead to hormone disruption when going on an elimination diet. These gender differences inspired Dr. Sara to start her research and why she created an adapted version of the ketogenic diet for women. Dr. Sara has literally discovered the key to unlocking our ability to lose stubborn weight, and it all comes down to metabolic flexibility and our hormones.
Taking Back Control of Your Hormones
So often, women are gaslit or faced with a double standard when it comes to traditional medicine. But the truth is the power to take back control of your hormones and get your body working for you instead of against you exists within yourself.
While it may seem daunting to think you have to do it yourself, nobody knows your body better than you. By improving your metabolic flexibility, you can ensure that you have a fully functioning body for years to come. Through Dr. Sara’s new book, you can transform your health, lose stubborn weight, and address your symptoms before it is too late.
Are you ready to find a personalized way to balance your hormones, improve your metabolic flexibility, and take back control of your health? Share what you are most looking forward to in Dr. Sara’s new book with me in the comments below!
“We have been taught ‘eat less exercise more,’ but it turns out that is not necessarily true. Your calories matter, but your hormones matter more.” (11:05)
“I don’t want to be average, I want to be optimal. And I want that for our listeners and viewers, to really think about what is normal in terms of mainstream medicine, versus what is optimal.” (21:08)
“The most effective way to deal with insulin resistance is with your fork. But I can tell you since I went through conventional medical training, is we are not taught how to do that! So even though it is the most effective way to reverse pre-diabetes, the most effective way to help you with insulin resistance, the most effective way to deal with type 2 diabetes, we are not taught how to counsel people on that.” (41:10)
“If you are struggling with your weight, if you are struggling with your metabolism, this is a real and valid concern. Don’t let some doctor dismiss you or say you are just getting older, and it’s how things are. No! Let’s figure out how to support you, get you the food that really helps you with your hormones and helps you regulate your insulin and all these other hormones that we have been talking about today. Because the power really is within your reach.” (46:54)
“The time to do something about it is not when you are 72 and diagnosed, it’s right now!” (50:37)
In This Episode
- The inspiration for the new book, Women, Food, and Hormones by Dr. Sara Gottfried (7:18)
- How to improve your metabolic flexibility as you pivot into your 30’s, 40’s, and beyond (16:14)
- Tips for reversing insulin resistance and pre-diabetes through food (28:28)
- Why pregnancy can influence your risk of cardiometabolic disease (39:33)
- How to feel more empowered when it comes to taking back control of your hormones (46:30)
Resources Mentioned
Food, Women, and Hormones by Dr. Sara Gottfried
Follow Dr. Sara on Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | TikTok
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Free Download: Top 5 Essential Oil Hormone-Balancing Recipes
You are the CEO of your life, so every choice you make should support your health and goals.Reclaim control with these easy hormone-balancing EO recipes in this free guide!

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