#451: Why Do Women Have a Higher Cardiometabolic Mortality Rate Than Men? With Dr. Sara Gottfried

If You Want to Improve Your Cardiometabolic Health, You Should:

  1. Get clear about your ‘yes’s’ and ‘no’s’ if you feel like something is wrong in your body
  2. Pay attention to the signs of cardiometabolic health as you enter the window of shifting health
  3. Individualize your diet based on your insulin resistance and metabolic flexibility

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Episode Summary

More women than men have died from cardiovascular disease in modern times, yet we continue to believe it is primarily a problem for men. Your cardiometabolic health determines how you are able to show up in the world and can be a key indicator of your health going forward. This is why it is so important to know which signs to pay attention to so that you can pivot as your body pivots.

Protecting Your Aliveness with Dr. Sara Gottfried

Sara Gottfried, MD is a board-certified physician, researcher, and educator. She graduated from Harvard Medical School and MIT, and completed residency at UCSF. Dr. Gottfried is a global keynote speaker and the author of four New York Times bestselling books about trauma, hormones, and physical and mental health—including her latest titled WOMEN, FOOD, AND HORMONES. Dr. G has also completed a 2-year fellowship in Advanced Cardiometabolic Health at the Metabolic Medical Institute, and she is Clinical Assistant Professor in Dept. of Integrative Medicine and Nutritional Sciences at Thomas Jefferson University, and Director of Precision Medicine at the Marcus Institute of Integrative Health. Her focus is diet, nutrition, and peak performance.

Changing the System

Half of the women in developed countries will die from mostly preventable heart disease and stroke, and yet we as a society still view cardiovascular disease as a problem that affects men. The risks of cardiovascular diseases can be broad because of subtle changes, but it is only by paying attention to the signs and knowing your base level that you can be better off in trying to correct them.

Your cardiometabolic health determines your aliveness in every sense of the word, which is why Dr. Sara Gottfried wants to help women focus on a more functional and integrative approach in order to address these problems and change the system.

It Is Not too Late to Turn Your Cardiometabolic Health Ship Around

We are not just talking about heart attacks; we are talking about a much broader picture. Dysregulation with your blood sugar, issues with blood pressure, and Alzheimer’s disease are all linked to your cardiometabolic health. It is crucial that you know how to check in with your body and pivot according to what your body needs in order to monitor your health and prevent health issues in the future. 

Starting as early as possible is key to making a difference. While it is never too late to make these changes, equipping yourself with the necessary tools and knowledge is the only way to protect your health going forward.

Are you or someone you love concerned about their vascular and cardiometabolic health? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!


“You lose your aliveness if you are not paying attention to cardiometabolic health.” (7:29)

“I wouldn’t want to put the onus on women to have to correct this, we have to correct it within the system, but I would also say trust your instincts.” (26:21)

“We all have access to strengthening our voice and understanding the way that the system of patriarchy is set up to dismiss women, including their symptoms of cardiometabolic dysfunction. And we can’t stand up for that; we can’t allow that anymore.” (28:04)

“You can track your body composition; you can change your exercise routine, you can change your food so that you are working with the system and not just letting time take your body over.” (50:24)

“It is never too late. So if you are 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, and older, it is never too late to do some of this testing and adjust your food for your individual metabolism through these small changes. I know it may sound like a huge project, but the truth is this comes down to really small baby steps that accumulate and aggregate over time and help you become more metabolically healthy and metabolically flexible.” (52:47)

In This Episode

  • Differentiating the role of glucose when it comes to your vascular health (12:32)
  • At what age you should start to look at your cardio-metabolic health with a fine tooth comb (20:06)
  • How to work to change the system and protect women at risk for heart attack (24:33)
  • Understanding the advanced cardiovascular markers and how to identify them (34:51)
  • Tips for adjusting your diet if you are dealing with insulin resistance and improving your metabolic flexibility (46:08)

Resources Mentioned

Women Food and Hormones by Dr. Sara Gottfried

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