Tag Archives | chronic pain


Top Ways to Support a Healthy Liver Quickly

The #1 root cause of hormone imbalance I see in women in their late thirties and beyond is a sluggish liver! This is because it slacks off on its duty of cycling out excess toxins and hormones, sending your body into a downward spiral of hormone dysfunction. Your liver’s main job is to filter out toxins and excrete them from your body. But guess what happens when hormonal levels are out of whack and your body begins throwing excess at the liver? It simply can’t keep up.

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Keep Your Body Energized with This Hormone-Loving Green Smoothie

Green smoothies are the easiest way to provide your body the nutrients it needs to keep you energized — in less than 5 minutes! Imagine a morning where you don’t crash a couple of hours later… or you don’t feel your blood sugar spike and plummet… or your gut isn’t yelling at you. Learn the steps that will help you craft the perfect green smoothie…

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