Tag Archives | doterra essential oil


Rose Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

Are you having a stressful day?  Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that you are walking in a lush, beautiful garden.  Take a deep breath, inhaling the sweet and tantalizing aromas of the glorious flowers surrounding you.  What do you smell? I think one of the first floral scents people often think of is rose, and for good reason.  They come in multiple varieties and colors, many of which have a very pleasing scent. And who doesn’t love roses?  They are a well-known symbol of love and affection. What if you could have access to their lovely scent without having to buy fresh roses all the time…

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How to Navigate Travel Without Gaining Weight

While most people claim to love to travel, it can actually be a stressful time for many of us.  From airplane anxiety to lack of sleep, scheduling issues to keeping your exercise and diet routines in check, stress levels can boost and send our digestive tract into a tailspin.  Keeping those essential oils handy for stress-inducing situations should be your first line of defense against the trials of travel, but enjoying your adventures while leaving time for self-care also must be a priority.  Easier said than done, right?

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#28: The right skincare for YOU with Dr. Trevor Cates

Tired of choosing between natural and effective skin care? Dr. Trevor Cates is here to dispel the myth that you can’t have quality, all natural skin care products. Dr. Cates is an author, podcast host and world-renowned skin doctor. She helps patients around the world get to the bottom of their skincare issues by working from the inside out. She’s all about clean, non-toxic and quality ingredients and has created her own skincare line to make sure her patients were getting the best natural solution out there.

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