Tag Archives | exercise

Immunity Part2 Featured Image Edited

Boost Your Immune System Part 2: Stress, Lack of Sleep, & Toxicity

Welcome back to this three-part series on Immunity! I want to do everything possible to make you both knowledgeable about the products that dōTERRA has to offer you, but also give you the tools to reclaim your own health and wellness. In addition to poor nutrition and lack of exercise, there are several other factors that can compromise your immune system. If you reclaim control of these areas of your life, you will greatly increase your body’s ability to ward of these immune detractors. Getting a good night’s sleep, reducing the amount of stress in your life, and reducing the amount of toxins in your body and life will only free up the effort that your body may be currently putting into keeping these systems in check. dōTERRA gives you a variety of essential oils and blends that will enable your body to rebalance and recalibrate itself so that it can properly protect your immune system.

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Are My Hormones Making Me Fat?

Many women who are actively pursuing weight loss come up against road blocks which cause them to get frustrated and discouraged. Often they are doing everything right: eating healthy foods, exercising regularly, and sleeping well. But still, some women can’t seem to shed those pounds—or even ounces!

In these cases, it’s important to take a look at what else is going on in a woman’s body that is related to weight loss but not quite as obvious as healthy living habits. One of the first places to go is hormones.

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5 Ways to Boost a Healthy Metabolism

Every last one of us wants to look and feel our best, and we’ve all likely tried a laundry list of techniques to stay healthy, manage weight and feel great every day. If your metabolism isn’t functioning optimally, you simply won’t have the means to do this. Maybe you’ve tried diets, exercise regimens, or even weight loss pills to no avail. None of these will be of any benefit if the metabolic processes and hormones aren’t functioning as they were meant to. As a functional practitioner, my goal is to address the root cause of issues rather than symptoms. So rather than trying to achieve a goal being focused on the result, let’s focus on the root metabolic issues. I am not going to recommend a particular diet or a single exercise routine. Instead, I want to focus on concepts that you can incorporate into your daily routine, and compliment your other healthy habits, for long-term, sustainable solutions to improve how you look and feel. Let’s take a look at 5 of the best ways we can all master our metabolism, without turning to quick fixes or synthetic solutions.

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Dr. Mariza TRX Workout

How to Stay Active While Traveling

Template, Women's Wellness In my last blog, I discussed how despite being on a 3-week honeymoon in Italy, we tried to stay healthy and maintain at least a few of the habits that are part of our healthy day to day routine.  In today’s blog, I want to fill in the other half besides nutrition, and that is how to stay active.  Vacation is a great time to sit back and relax, but there are still ways to stay active that won’t feel like you have to alter your day to fit in a workout.  For the sake of this blog post, and given our recent situation in Italy, I’m going to assume that you do not have access to a gym, although a gym, a pool, and many other facilities like tennis courts or golf courses are of course excellent ways to stay active on vacation.  However, I’m going to focus on what you can do within your room and and while you’re out and about. I present to you: My Top 5 Tips to Stay Active While on Vacation!

1 – Walk Everywhere

This is one of the easiest options.  Walk anywhere and everywhere you can.  While safety is, of course, the first priority, in many cities, walking is the main form of transportation.  Where I might elect to drive or take a taxi/Uber/Lyft at home, walking is a much more commonly used and more effective form of transportation abroad [I’m talking to you Europe].

2 – Embrace Simple, Basic and Effective Exercises

Lunges.  Squats.  Push-ups.  Situps.  Stairs.  You’re very familiar with the basics, regardless of what you do on a regular basis.  These are all possible with zero equipment and very little knowledge or preparation.  Try to focus on the core areas, and you’ll be surprised at what you can achieve and maintain.  Here is an example of a quick fat-burning circuit that I can easily repeat on a daily basis anywhere I go.  Repeat the circuit 3-5 times, depending on how much time you have, for a strenuous and workout.  Modify the number of reps to meet your fitness level.

  • Jump squats: 5 – 15x
  • (Modified) Push-ups: 10 – 20x
  • Burpees: 5 – 10x
  • Planks / Side planks: 20 seconds normal / then each side
  • Lunges: 10 – 20x
  • Russian twist (use a full water bottle for a weight): 25-50x

3 – Run!

Similar to the above two suggestions, movement is key in whatever way you can achieve it.  In almost every location I’ve ever traveled to, a morning or evening jog [Let’s be honest… vacations are normally in hot places, unless you’re traveling for business and don’t have a choice, or seeking winter sports (in which case you’re already active), so finding the cool time of the day and planning around it is often a small but very important detail] is way easier than you think.  Challenge yourself to a run a mile quicker than your normal pace, or to do a quick couple laps within a smaller area.  Running shoes take up extra space in the suitcase, but are worth it if you can fit them in, and can also double as walking shoes for longer walking days.

4 – Yoga & Stretching

While a vacation may not always be the most convenient place to get your normal workouts in, simple routines involving yoga and stretching can make a big difference.  You’ll most likely be walking more than normal, even if it’s just within airports and train stations, especially when dragging your luggage with you.  This can tighten up any and all muscles, which makes staying limber even more important.  Even just finding a quick moment to do a few yoga poses or stretch out will make a difference, but if you can get in a routine where you make some time daily, you won’t regret it!

5 – Bring a TRX / Resistance Exercise System

If you are not familiar with the TRX suspension system, within your regular routine at home, in classes, or anywhere else, I can’t endorse it enough.  Not only because of the effectiveness but especially because of the lightweight and portability.  My best workouts are often achieved through this wonderful resistance-based workout system.  You can modify the difficulty by simply adjusting the angle of your body in relation to the straps/wall, and can complete many different full-body workouts wherever you are, strap onto a door, a tree, or a wall-hook, if available. You can find some basic TRX workout information here.


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