Tag Archives | hormone expert


#128: This Is Your Brain on Birth Control with Dr. Sarah Hill

Usually, when we think about the birth control pill, we think about how it is impacting our reproductive hormones. But did you know that the pill also has a huge impact on your brain chemistry, behavior and ultimately how you experience the world? Dr. Sarah Hill is a leading researcher in evolutionary psychology who has become fascinated with the effects of birth control on our psychology and health. 

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#127: How Your Menstruation Is Regulated in America with Jennifer Weiss-Wolf

Did you know that there are women in the US right now who cannot afford or gain access to menstrual supplies? The passion to bring awareness to menstrual product accessibility for women and girls all over the world is one I share with today’s guest, Jennifer Weiss-Wolf. A gender, politics and menstruation advocate, attorney and the architect of the US campaign to squash the tampon tax, Jennifer is taking her dedication and expertise to the policies and laws that we live our lives by.

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#120: Is Your Doctor Using the Correct Hormone Test…Or Not? with Dr. Carrie Jones

If you have hormonal issues and are having a hard time pinpointing exactly where to start, the DUTCH test, or dried urine total complete hormones, is the test you need to take. Through precise and analytical lab testing, the DUTCH test is something that you can do in your own home without a doctor’s prescription to start taking control of your hormones. Dr. Carrie Jones is a world-renowned speaker and expert in women’s hormones who is the medical director for the DUTCH hormone test.

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#114: 14 Days to Jump Start Your Hormones Naturally

Have you been noticing some stubborn weight that you just can’t seem to get rid of despite no changes in your diet or lifestyle? Stubborn weight is often the symptom of something bigger, and usually has one of six root causes hidden within your hormones and inflammation levels. Today I am diving into these root causes and the simple ways that you can detox your body with my 14-Day Hormone Weight Loss Detox. 

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Essentially You Podcast Blog Header 101

#101: The Real Root Causes of Hormone Dysfunction with Vivica Menegaz

In order for you to truly heal and maintain sustainable health, you must nourish your body by feeding it real food that it can put to work to rebuild your organs and glands. Vivica Menegaz has been managing her health naturally since her childhood growing up on the coast of Italy. After struggling with her own health struggles she realized the connection between these common hormonal issues and decided to take her knowledge to the masses.

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