Tag Archives | pregnancy


#231: The Most Important Supplements to Take While Pregnant and in Postpartum

When you’re building a baby, your body needs extra support at ALL stages—from before conception to postpartum. While you may think a prenatal has you covered, taking that alone leaves some major gaps. Tune in today to hear my specific recommendations for supplements to take in the months leading up to pregnancy, while you’re pregnant, and after you deliver. Supporting your health with supplements is the best way to make sure you’re giving your baby the best start possible while protecting your health through the whole process!

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#227: What I Did to Get Pregnant at 40

As you get to your mid- to late-30s, many doctors will tell you that it’s getting to be “too late” to have a healthy pregnancy. But the reality is, you have the power to reduce your reproductive age with the right food, supplement, and lifestyle choices. Tune in today to hear what I did to prepare my body for pregnancy and give my baby all the best! I’ll cover what I ate, what I didn’t, the supplements that were crucial, and other practices that are helping me have the healthies pregnancy I can, for myself and the baby!

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#225: What My Miscarriage Taught Me About Surrender

I am choosing to share my story because no one deserves to experience a pregnancy loss in silence and shame. I see you, and I acknowledge your loss and grief right alongside you. It’s time to stop silencing women or shaming them when they have a different journey to motherhood. My hope is that by sharing my story, you will feel empowered to own your story and your journey too.

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#220: Master Your Menstrual Cycle and Optimize Your Fertility with Lisa Hedrickson-Jack

Your menstrual cycle is about more than just having babies. Your cycle, not just your period, is referred to by my friend, Lisa Hendrickson-Jack as your fifth vital sign. By understanding how to navigate your cycle, what you should be looking out for, common symptoms or issues, and having a real talk around hormonal contraceptives, you can make start treating your menstrual cycle like the real integral part of your female body that it is.

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