If You Are Ready To Move Past Stage 3 and Find True Transformation After Betrayal You Should:
- Acknowledge if there is the opportunity and willingness to rebuild after betrayal
- Be honest with yourself and create awareness around what you truly want
- Become okay with being uncomfortable in order to heal and transform yourself
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We can all relate to the feeling of being betrayed at some point in our life. But have you ever considered that your past traumas or betrayals could be impacting your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health? Navigating life post-betrayal takes some work, but the transformation on the other side is well worth it.
From Betrayal to Breakthrough with Dr. Debi Silber
Dr. Debi Silber, the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute, is a holistic psychologist and health, mindset, and personal development, expert. Dr. Debi knows firsthand the impact that healing from betrayal can have on a person, which is why she has dedicated herself to helping people move past their betrayals as well as any other blocks preventing them from the health, work, relationships, confidence, and happiness they want most.
The Upside of Trauma
When someone you trusted and gave you a sense of security takes that security away, it is traumatizing. But, the upside of trauma is that you can not only rebuild your life, but you can rebuild yourself into a version that never would have existed if that betrayal had not happened. Once you can move through the five stages of healing, you can grow and transform into the new you. While you cannot undo the experience you have been through, you can control what you do with it and who you become on the other side of healing.
Rebuilding Trust Brick by Brick
The only way that trust can be rebuilt is brick by brick. It takes a willingness to heal or to walk away from a situation that determines how you live your life going forward. Even if your betrayal happened a long time ago, the lingering side effects could be driving your physical and mental symptoms. Dr. Debi is here to assure you that you are not crazy, not alone, and you owe it to yourself to experience the transformation you deserve. It is time to put in the work and learn to trust yourself again so that you can live in a place of abundance.
Are you ready to move out of being stuck in stage 3 and get to the other side and live a life of abundance? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below!
“As I was moving through this, I said I have no idea what healing will look like, but if I can manage to heal from this, I am taking everyone with me.” (8:35)
“We don’t like getting uncomfortable. But as we try to avoid, numb, and distract, we are not healing anything; we are just keeping it at bay. But it is only by the diving in do you move through it and come out the other side.” (19:39)
“These are stats that people attribute to stress or to aging. No it is not! It is to your unhealed betrayal that could have happened decades ago.” (21:59)
“When you have experienced the shattering of trust when you have experienced betrayal, it is not about reconciling right then; your only mission, your only goal at that point, is you work on you. And you create a version of you that never would have shown up had that not happened.” (30:49)
“If you are willing to watch that brick wall be rebuilt, your job is to be willing. And the person who shattered it has to be a really good bricklayer. But it not your job to rebuild that brick wall, and that is where a lot of people go wrong.” (37:33)
- Learn about the five stages of betrayal and healing from trauma (15:06)
- How to discern between how you are operating today and what has happened to you in the past (21:32)
- Which of your symptoms could be driven by the heaviness of a previous betrayal (23:19)
- How to know if there is a window of willingness to heal and if it is worth your time and energy (27:38)
- Tips for taking the first steps to let go of your trauma and move forward to a new normal (33:14)
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Essentially You Episode #308: What Is Trauma and How Does It Make Us Sick? with Dr. Elena Villanueva
Essentially You Episode #78: How Your Biggest Crisis Reveals Your Greatest Gift with Dr. Debi Silber
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