When it comes to our hormones, estrogen is clearly the main attraction… But the show would not go on without the real superhero: Progesterone.
Discover the Top Supplements and Herbs I Recommend for Optimal Hormone Balance
When it comes to our hormones, estrogen is clearly the main attraction… But the show would not go on without the real superhero: Progesterone.
Estrogen is the BEYONCE of all woman hormones! Without it, we’d literally fall apart. Our bones would break, our moods and energy would crash, and our hair would fall out–NOT GOOD.
Let’s be honest: There’s an unending stream of information out there today when it comes to vitamins and supplements – and it can be completely overwhelming AT BEST. So let’s talk about magnesium. What is it, why is it important, and how could it be the missing piece of the whole-body-health puzzle?
Many doctors may jump to hormone replacement medicine to get your hormones on track. But what if there was a natural way to help your body restore its equilibrium? With proper nutrition, self-care, and the right supplements, you can ensure your body is supported with the nutrients it needs to keep your systems functioning and get your hormones balanced.
Vitamin C is well-known for its ability to support healthy immune function, but in reality its benefits extend MUCH further than just this one area!
Discover the Top Supplements and Herbs I Recommend for Optimal Hormone Balance
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