Tag Archives | clary sage essential oil

Essentially You Podcast 010: Environmental Chemicals & Hormones: What Every Woman Needs To Know with Lara Adler

#10: Environmental Chemicals & Hormones: What Every Woman Needs To Know with Lara Adler

Most of us are aware of at least some the toxins in our daily lives, but do you know the chronic illnesses that are associated with them? These toxins are in the things we eat, drink, touch, and they’re slowly killing us. Today’s guest drops some important knowledge on how these toxins get into our bodies, what they’re doing to us, and most importantly, how we can eliminate them.

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Rev Up Libido

Revamping Sexy Time – Boosting Your Libido

Libido. This word has quite the stigma attached to it. If you’re reading this blog I’m guessing you had one of two reactions to the title line. Are you person A who’s thinking “I’m totally embarrassed to be reading this. I hope no one is looking over my shoulder”? Or are you person B who’s thinking, “Yes!! Finally some help! I totally need to read this”? Either way you can rest assured that you are in good company, and there is no judgement here.

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Stress to Zen FI

7 Essential Oils to Take You from Stress to Zen

Time and time again, I find myself amazed at the amount of chemicals that affect our bodies on a daily basis. Before my awareness, I blissfully blew through life slathering on heavily-laden lotions, cleaning while inhaling puffs of toxins, styling my hair in a cloud of chemicals. Sure, I could adjust my diet and exercise a bit more, but there wasn’t a whole lot more I could do, right? And along came essential oils and completely transformed my life! That’s when the term “toxic load” began to shake my bones and I realized how inundated my body had become from the choices I was making.

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top 5 essential FI

Top 5 Essential Oils For Hormonal Balance

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by quick fixes and simple solutions to our problems. Everyone seems to have one and they may momentarily provide you with relief. But when we dig deeper, we discover that the roots that run deep and influence, fluctuate, and wreak havoc on our mind, body, and soul. Hormones play a huge role in the way that our body reacts and responds to life, and even the slightest imbalance can begin a symphony of symptoms that play on repeat until we have slowly driven ourselves mad. There are ways to balance out your hormones, but the solution is different for everyone and requires some effort on your part to recognize the problem, reorganize your lifestyle, and begin to utilize essential oil tools that can aid you in maintaining the balance.

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