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#607: The Hidden Gut & Metabolic Dangers of Microplastics with Dr. Vincent Pedre

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Imagine if hundreds of tiny particles you can’t even see were making their way deep into your body’s tissues—affecting everything from your hormones to your weight, mood, gut health, brain, and more. 

Every. Single. Day. 

This isn’t some weird sci-fi movie plot. 

It’s the reality we’re living with microplastics.

Which is why I’m SO excited to welcome Dr. Vincent Pedre to my podcast this week!

Dr. Pedre, an integrative gut health expert, author, and my go-to resource for all things microbiome, is here to bring you up to speed on the hidden threat of microplastics on your well-being. 

From that “harmless” coffee lid to the convenient food containers you use every day, microplastics are everywhere.

And they’re hijacking your gut and wreaking havoc on your hormones, weight, mood, and brain.  

But don’t worry—we’ve got your back. 

You’re about to hear ALL the latest science, solutions, and practical steps you can take to reduce your exposure and restore your gut NOW.

So if you’re ready to get ahead of the game when it comes to protecting yourself and your family from this invisible invader…

Tune in now for this life-changing conversation!


  • The everyday sources of microplastics—like coffee cups and takeout containers—that may be affecting your health
  • How microplastics act as endocrine disruptors and mimic estrogen, throwing hormones out of balance
  • The surprising role of microplastics in gut health issues like dysbiosis and leaky gut
  • Why microplastics may be a hidden cause behind weight gain and metabolic issues
  • Real-life tips from Dr. Pedre to reduce your exposure to microplastics every day
  • How making a few key changes in your routine can make a huge difference for your hormone and gut health


Microplastics are the rising hidden danger that is a threat to our health, to our metabolism, to our hormones, that is right under our noses…and they are being consumed without people realizing it.”

Every time you drink a hot beverage through a plastic lid, you’re absorbing microplastics that can act like estrogen in the body—scrambling your hormones and disrupting everything from weight to mood.”

Microplastics break down the gut’s mucus layer, overgrow harmful bacteria, and eventually lead to leaky gut. Once you have leaky gut, the pathway to inflammation is wide open.”

We’re exposed to microplastics everywhere. So the best line of defense is to be really mindful—use glass, use stainless steel, and avoid heating food or drinks in plastic.”

Even our coffee makers can be a source of microplastic exposure. If your coffee maker has plastic tubing or a plastic reservoir, hot water is leaching microplastics into your coffee every day.”


Kickstarter Link for Happy Gut Coffee – Support Dr. Pedre’s mission for healthy, sustainable coffee—AND try your first batch of this clean, low-acid, and mold, pesticide, and microplastic-free coffee!  

Go to zoe.com and use the code “ENERIZE10” for 10% off of your Zoe membership.

Get 10% OFF Karen’s non-prescription transdermal hormone options with promo code MARIZA


#515: The Connection Between Gut Health and Hormone Balance with Dr. Vincent Pedre

#466: How Gut Health Affects Hormones with Steven Wright

#432: What Role Does the Gut Play in Mood and Brain Health with Tina Anderson

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