Five BIG benefits of the powerhouse hormone — cortisol— and why it can actually be your BFF instead of your enemy.
Discover the Top Supplements and Herbs I Recommend for Optimal Hormone Balance
Five BIG benefits of the powerhouse hormone — cortisol— and why it can actually be your BFF instead of your enemy.
I have heard from HUNDREDS of women that they feel like their stress levels are off the charts and they are running on fumes every day. But how do you know how bad it really is?
There are two things you may not know: Low testosterone in women is MUCH more common than most of us realize, AND it happens much earlier in life than you would expect. But why should we be worried about testosterone? Isn’t it a male hormone?
You can think of adaptogens like Snow White’s dwarfs. Each one, helpful and hardworking, brings different benefits to the table that all work together to make you and your hormones – and you – happy and healthy.
Women today wear so many hats. We have packed schedules, raise children, take care of our families, run a business or fulfill work obligations, and more. We’re so busy taking care of everyone else that sometimes we forget to take time to care for ourselves. This lifestyle leads to feeling rushed, triggered, and stressed. Our stress response systems are over-activated, and our cortisol levels are surging…
Discover the Top Supplements and Herbs I Recommend for Optimal Hormone Balance
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