Tag Archives | energy boost


Intermittent Fasting for Weight-Loss: Does it Really Work?

So what’s all the hype around intermittent fasting about? For a few years now, we’ve been bombarded in the media about how intermittent fasting is all the rage. 

But does intermittent fasting for weight loss actually work? 

And since there are so many versions out there, WHAT really is the best method for women? 

Well, I’m here to tell you from personal experience that I’ve had incredible success with intermittent fasting—specifically for weight loss. But I only felt more energized and healthy once I figured out what method worked best for my body.

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#364 – Why Burnout Is So Prevalent Today and the First Steps to Heal It with Dr. Doni Wilson

Even before the pandemic, feeling burned out had become the norm. Feeling physically and emotionally exhausted can have some severe health consequences, which is why it is so frustrating when we feel like we are making progress, only to be hit with those same fatigue and burnout symptoms. The first step to addressing these symptoms is to understand your unique stress response pattern and learn specific strategies that can make a huge impact on your stress type.

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#357: How to Hack Crazy PMS-Driven Cravings and Blood Sugar Spikes Right Before Your Period

Imagine it’s right before your period, and you get a killer craving. You’re ready to eat the whole fridge and consume a ton of snacks with not-so-healthy ingredients. Does this sound familiar? We’ve all been there. We can feel powerless when those insane sugar and salt cravings arrive. But I have some hacks for you to use, so you have a plan to combat the cravings…

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