Tag Archives | intention


#157: How to Take the First Step in Transforming Your Health and Life with Adam and Vanessa Lambert

Despite what you may have heard, you don’t have to overhaul your lifestyle to gain more energy, balance your hormones and heal your gut. You can accomplish big transformation through little changes, and Vanessa and Adam Lambert are here to explain how. The creators of Bee the Wellness, Vanessa and Adam are dedicated to creating transformation through adventure, personalized diets, functional fitness, and mindful fearless living.

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#155: How to Create Your Perfect Day with 20/20 Vision

We are three days into a new year and a new decade, and that means it is time to set yourself up for success in 2020 and beyond. Your health is a gateway to creating something bigger and more meaningful based on your purpose in life, and I want to take this opportunity to help you figure out how to expand your dreams and set yourself up for success.

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