Tag Archives | toxins

Top 3 Ways to Support Your Liver and Restore Hormone Balance in Pre-Menopause-F

Top 3 Ways to Support Your Liver and Restore Hormone Balance

When it comes to your hormones, your liver is the most important (and often overlooked) place to start. Especially for women as you approach 40 and beyond, protecting and supporting your liver is a critical piece to ensure you make the transition to menopause with ease and grace. When your liver fails to do this effectively, the most common result is estrogen dominance.

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Top Ways to Support a Healthy Liver Quickly

The #1 root cause of hormone imbalance I see in women in their late thirties and beyond is a sluggish liver! This is because it slacks off on its duty of cycling out excess toxins and hormones, sending your body into a downward spiral of hormone dysfunction. Your liver’s main job is to filter out toxins and excrete them from your body. But guess what happens when hormonal levels are out of whack and your body begins throwing excess at the liver? It simply can’t keep up.

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#176: How Fluoride Could Be Affecting Your Skin, Hormones, and Brain Health with Melissa Gallico

Fluoride has been widely accepted as a ‘healthy’ additive to our water and air pollution since 1945, but did you know that it can have dangerous side effects when building up over time? Melissa Gallico went from being an FBI analyst to a podcast host and author focusing on the detrimental effects of fluoride through her own personal experience with acne breakouts when consuming fluoride and is here to share her knowledge with you today.

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#163: How to Reset Your Hormones and Jumpstart Your Metabolism with a Detox

As women, we spend so much time putting care and energy into making our homes, workspaces and schedules clutter-free. So why don’t we put the same amount of consideration into removing the gunk from our hormones and cells? If you are experiencing unexplained weight gain, annoying cravings, brain fog or dropping energy throughout the day, clogged hormone pathways could be to blame.

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