#528: The Importance Of Teen Menstrual Health with Holly Grigg-Spall

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Episode Summary

As women, most of us remember exactly the moment we got our first period. It may have been a moment of embarrassment, shame, or humiliation. 

But it really shouldn’t be this way. Our bodies are amazing, and we need to appreciate all that they do for us. So many young girls first learn about menstruation with such a negative connotation. Rather, they should be encouraged to understand the incredible health component of their menstrual cycles. 

That’s why I have Holly here today, to guide us as mothers and grandmothers of young girls starting their periods. So we can help them feel empowered and knowledgeable about their bodies. 

Holly has developed a new app– TEENA, that’s designed for young girls to help track their cycles in a very positive way. All while educating them about how their cycles function from a health standpoint as a vital sign. 

The app TEENA can be paired with the TEENA device, which is a basal body temperature-based device. This is the first time there’s ever been a device designed for tweens and teens to track their basal body temperature as a sign of which cycle phase they are in. 

This not only encourages health education and body positivity, but it also helps young girls gain agency over their bodies. It gives them the tools to set them up for success as they navigate junior high and high school, and even into college. Empowerment comes from knowing and owning their bodies at every stage.

If you have a daughter or granddaughter at home coming up on her tween years, you’ll benefit so much from learning all of Holly’s tips about helping these young girls navigate what can be such a stressful time. 

In this podcast, Holly shares more about how we can have the hard conversations, and how we can put reproductive health in a positive light. 

You won’t want to miss all the details Holly shares about the importance of demystifying periods and how we can best help young girls. The resources she offers can lead to reduced anxiety and increased self-awareness, helping girls navigate their teen years with confidence. 

So join us in this enlightening discussion and discover how menstrual cycle education can be one of the best things to happen to the young girls in your life. 

Help support your daughters, children, or anyone in their journey to becoming their most confident and empowered selves!


Holly is the author of “Sweetening the Pill”, the inspiration for the documentary “The Business of Birth Control”– on which she is a producer. Her book was released in 2013, celebrating its 10th anniversary later this year. 

Holly recently launched TEENA, a free education-forward app supporting health and menstrual cycle awareness for tweens and teens. She’s on a mission for teenage girls to feel empowered about their cycles so they feel more harmony with their bodies and reproductive systems. 

In This Episode

  1. Holly’s story on menstrual health education for teens 
  2. The importance of educating teen girls on menstruation 
  3. Existing misconceptions and negative views on menstruation
  4. The impact of nutrition on the menstrual cycle 
  5. How our cycle affects our energy levels and mood 
  6. The connection between the brain and the ovaries 
  7. Empowerment through body positivity and self-esteem 
  8. Menstruation as a fifth vital sign of health 
  9. How tracking menstrual cycles can identify underlying issues early on
  10. TEENA– the basal body temperature tracking app 

Resources Mentioned


*Use Discount code: ESSENTIALLY for an additional discount

Download the TEENA app  | WearTEENA Instagram | WearTEENA TikTok

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