Tag Archives | detoxification


#176: How Fluoride Could Be Affecting Your Skin, Hormones, and Brain Health with Melissa Gallico

Fluoride has been widely accepted as a ‘healthy’ additive to our water and air pollution since 1945, but did you know that it can have dangerous side effects when building up over time? Melissa Gallico went from being an FBI analyst to a podcast host and author focusing on the detrimental effects of fluoride through her own personal experience with acne breakouts when consuming fluoride and is here to share her knowledge with you today.

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#165: Simple Strategies for Balancing Hormones with Samantha Gladish

By now you may have figured out that your hormone issues are a symptom of something bigger, but did you know that there are ways to naturally reverse these imbalances with just three simple foundations? Samantha Gladish is a registered holistic nutritionist, weight loss coach and hormone fixer-upper who reversed her own Hashimoto’s diagnosis through simple and free tools and is here to share her knowledge with you today.

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#163: How to Reset Your Hormones and Jumpstart Your Metabolism with a Detox

As women, we spend so much time putting care and energy into making our homes, workspaces and schedules clutter-free. So why don’t we put the same amount of consideration into removing the gunk from our hormones and cells? If you are experiencing unexplained weight gain, annoying cravings, brain fog or dropping energy throughout the day, clogged hormone pathways could be to blame.

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