Tag Archives | doterra essential oils

Brain power FI

Natural Solutions for Boosting Brain Power

There is a lot of hype out there right now about brain-boosting supplements and people are flocking to find the best solution for their needs. Taking a step in the right direction towards brain health and supporting your memory and cognitive function will greatly benefit your health in the future, but let’s be honest. With all of these new products flooding the market, can you really be sure that they are safe for you or the best option for your needs? You all know I always suggest an individual approach to any changes in your healthcare routine, and this is no exception! After doing a lot of research on the subject, there are no over-the-counter supplements that I can whole-heartedly suggest for anyone.

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Fennel oil FI

Fennel Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

When I think of Fennel, the first thing that comes to my mind is the taste of black licorice, and the little mints and seeds that are given for a breath freshener at my favorite Indian restaurant.While renown for being a wonderful addition to recipes, Fennel essential oil is also prized for its ability to internally supporthealthy digestion andrespiratory health.Something I especially love about Fennel is its major natural sweetness factor! Just one drop mixed in with water or your favorite green juice is a wonderful way to battle those sugar and sweets cravings that often hit.While its scent can be unpopular to those who don’t care for the black licorice aroma, its benefits are unparalleled and have been so for thousands of years.

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#11: The Top 5 Benefits of Aromatherapy with Dr. Mariza

Today on the Essentially You Podcast we are focusing on the top 5 benefits of aromatherapy. This episode is such a treat, as essential oils can give you so many benefits that you probably never even knew about! In this episode, we will discuss how essential oils can help your occasional sleeplessness, irritability, emotional well-being, and so much more.

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Essentially You Podcast 010: Environmental Chemicals & Hormones: What Every Woman Needs To Know with Lara Adler

#10: Environmental Chemicals & Hormones: What Every Woman Needs To Know with Lara Adler

Most of us are aware of at least some the toxins in our daily lives, but do you know the chronic illnesses that are associated with them? These toxins are in the things we eat, drink, touch, and they’re slowly killing us. Today’s guest drops some important knowledge on how these toxins get into our bodies, what they’re doing to us, and most importantly, how we can eliminate them.

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