
The Energized Podcast

Energized host and bestselling author Dr. Mariza Snyder puts the power back in your hands so that you can age powerfully and live life to the fullest.  Get ready to navigate your hormone and metabolic journey with wisdom and grace throughout your forties and beyond. 

Each episode will leave you feeling empowered with the knowledge of how your body actually works by providing root-cause explanations for the symptoms you’re facing (with a side of real talk) along with proven, research-driven solutions to reset your metabolism, fatigue, and hormones.  In each information-packed episode, you will discover solutions designed to reclaim your energy and aliveness so that you can feel ENERGIZED in your body and become the CEO of your health. 

Visit www.drmariza.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus game-changing programs, products, and incredible support designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and brain function as you powerfully navigate the second half of your life.  

This podcast was formerly named “Essentially You with Dr. Mariza.”

#428: The Most Important Solutions To Implement to Protect Our Fertility with Dr. Christiane Northrup

#428: The Most Important Solutions To Implement to Protect Our Fertility with Dr. Christiane Northrup

Embracing your fertility and reproductive health isn't just about getting pregnant. Protecting your reproductive health for as long as possible is the best way to set your body up for success and ...
#427: Do This at 8am and You'll Crave Less All Day Long

#427: Do This at 8am and You’ll Crave Less All Day Long

Your first meal sets your tone for the day and is THE difference-maker between chasing snacks all day due to cravings OR feeling full and energized. If you intentionally follow the steps ...
#426: 10 Most Common Reasons Your Glucose Levels Are Rising Up

#426: 10 Most Common Reasons Your Glucose Levels Are Rising Up

10 most common reasons we are seeing glucose levels rising, as well as things you can do RIGHT NOW to flatten your glucose curve quickly ...
#425: 5 Big Benefits of The Powerhouse Hormone: Insulin

#425: 5 Big Benefits of The Powerhouse Hormone: Insulin

Keeping your brain on top of its game is 100% the secret to living better, living longer, and… you guessed it… having MORE energy. So if you’re already experiencing brain fog or ...
#424: Move Over Birth Control Pills, There’s a New Type of Contraception in Town That’s Completely Natural with Elina Berglund

#424: Move Over Birth Control Pills, There’s a New Type of Contraception in Town That’s Completely Natural with Elina Berglund

Hormonal birth control and IUDs can come with some severe side effects. So why isn't there a hormone-free option out there? Now there is. With Natural Cycles, the world's first and only ...
#423: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Oxytocin

#423: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Oxytocin

When was the last time you really opened your heart space and gave someone a big, intentional hug? At that moment, you probably released one of the MOST underrated hormones of all… ...
#422: 3 Reasons It's Critical to Have Metabolic Flexibility at Any Age

#422: 3 Reasons It’s Critical to Have Metabolic Flexibility at Any Age

If I asked you how you want to feel 30 days from now, what would you say? No matter what your goals are… the solution always boils down to one thing: How ...
#421: How and Why a Glucose Spike Causes Intense Cravings

#421: How and Why a Glucose Spike Causes Intense Cravings

Over 90% of non-diabetics experience high glucose spikes. And the more spikes you have, the more insulin-resistant you become–which means more symptoms, more problems, and MORE CRAVINGS! ...
#420: Owning Your Pelvic Power and Healing from Chronic Pelvic Pain with Isa Herrera

#420: Owning Your Pelvic Power and Healing from Chronic Pelvic Pain with Isa Herrera

As women, we are taught that a little bit of pelvic pain is normal and just something we have to live with as we get older. But this couldn't be further from ...
#419: The 5 Supplements I Take Every Single Day For A Better Brain and Energy

#419: The 5 Supplements I Take Every Single Day For A Better Brain and Energy

Keeping your brain on top of its game is 100% the secret to living better, living longer, and… you guessed it… having MORE energy. Even the slightest decline in brain function can ...
#418: 5 Simple Rules That Will Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health

#418: 5 Simple Rules That Will Make the Biggest Impact on Your Health

Do you have a habit or ritual in your life that makes a huge, positive difference in your day and in your life? I certainly have a few that I do almost ...
#417: What Are the Top 10 Foods That Create Inflammation?

#417: What Are the Top 10 Foods That Create Inflammation?

From autoimmunity to brain fog to gut disorders and hormone imbalances, excess inflammation in your body could be what is making you sick. BUT once you understand which foods may damage your ...

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