
The Energized Podcast

Energized host and bestselling author Dr. Mariza Snyder puts the power back in your hands so that you can age powerfully and live life to the fullest.  Get ready to navigate your hormone and metabolic journey with wisdom and grace throughout your forties and beyond. 

Each episode will leave you feeling empowered with the knowledge of how your body actually works by providing root-cause explanations for the symptoms you’re facing (with a side of real talk) along with proven, research-driven solutions to reset your metabolism, fatigue, and hormones.  In each information-packed episode, you will discover solutions designed to reclaim your energy and aliveness so that you can feel ENERGIZED in your body and become the CEO of your health. 

Visit www.drmariza.com for hundreds of free recipes and resources, plus game-changing programs, products, and incredible support designed to optimize your metabolism, energy, and brain function as you powerfully navigate the second half of your life.  

This podcast was formerly named “Essentially You with Dr. Mariza.”

#414: The Best Time to Intermittent Fast During the Day to Boost Your Metabolism and Balance Your Blood Sugar

#414: The Best Time to Intermittent Fast During the Day to Boost Your Metabolism and Balance Your Blood Sugar

Intermittent fasting continues to be all the rage, but what if we get the timing wrong? Current research points to endless benefits of intermittent fasting, no matter which method you choose to embark ...
#413: 3 Easy Ways to Create a Metabolic-Boosting Morning Routine

#413: 3 Easy Ways to Create a Metabolic-Boosting Morning Routine

What if I told you that, in the next 30 days, you can lose some of that stubborn weight, improve your energy, be in a metabolically-flexible state with as few blood sugar ...
#412: The Impact Hormone, Toxins and Gut Imbalances Have on Inflamed and Aging Skin with Dr. Trevor Cates

#412: The Impact Hormone, Toxins and Gut Imbalances Have on Inflamed and Aging Skin with Dr. Trevor Cates

Too many of the personal care products we regularly use have negative impacts on our skin and health overall. Dr. Trevor Cate explains why this is, its implications, and how you can ...
#411: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Cortisol

#411: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Cortisol

Five BIG benefits of the powerhouse hormone — cortisol— and why it can actually be your BFF instead of your enemy ...
#410: My Biggest Takeaway from Wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor for the Past Year

#410: My Biggest Takeaway from Wearing a Continuous Glucose Monitor for the Past Year

As I turn 43 today, I am MUCH healthier than I have been in years. I am more toned. I am moving (and able to move) my body more. I am more ...
#409: Three Signs to Know if You Are Experiencing a Blood Sugar Spike and Crash

#409: Three Signs to Know if You Are Experiencing a Blood Sugar Spike and Crash

90% of us experience blood sugar spikes that are considered in the diabetic range. This was happening to me regularly, every week, for years and I had no idea it was the ...
#408: The Tools You Need to Upgrade Your Gut Health for Your Mood, Metabolism and Hormones with Dr. Megan Rossi

#408: The Tools You Need to Upgrade Your Gut Health for Your Mood, Metabolism and Hormones with Dr. Megan Rossi

Having a diverse diet is key to improving your gut health, brain health, energy levels, metabolism, and so much more. While incorporating new foods into you and your family's diet might seem ...
#407: 3 Food Mistakes that 75% of Women Are Making That Lead To Fatigue and Stubborn Weight Gain

#407: 3 Food Mistakes that 75% of Women Are Making That Lead To Fatigue and Stubborn Weight Gain

Have you tried everything you can to boost energy, drop that stubborn weight and belly fat, and heal your hormones? Yet no matter what you do, you’re not getting the results you ...
#406: Top 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Supplements

#406: Top 10 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Supplements

I was recently out of Vitamin D and my husband needed it, so I took a look while at my local Target and was absolutely SHOCKED at what I found. Catch today’s ...
#405: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Estrogen

#405: 5 Big Benefits of the Powerhouse Hormone: Estrogen

Estrogen is the BEYONCE of all woman hormones! Without it, we’d literally fall apart. Our bones would break, our moods and energy would crash, and our hair would fall out–NOT GOOD ...
#404: Do Women Need to Wait Till Menopause to Begin Hormone Replacement Therapy? with Esther Blum

#404: Do Women Need to Wait Till Menopause to Begin Hormone Replacement Therapy? with Esther Blum

You probably already know what powerful chemical messengers our hormones are, which help us do the things that we do for as long as possible. So how do we handle changing hormones ...
#403: 5 Big Benefits of The Powerhouse Hormone: Progesterone

#403: 5 Big Benefits of The Powerhouse Hormone: Progesterone

A vast majority of women struggle with lower than optimal progesterone levels! Today, I’m going to share FIVE major benefits of having healthy progesterone levels–and why you should be giving some extra ...

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